BID: textos universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació

NĂºmero 26, juny 2011

The management of audiovisual materials in mainstream television news programs


Objective. To analyse how the implementation of digital systems is modifying television documentation and archive services, especially with regard to the treatment and preservation of daily news programs.

Methodology. Field analysis involving an open-ended questionnaire completed by the heads of documentation services at thirteen mainstream television stations.

Results. In television, digitalization blurs the distinction between archiving and production, and promotes the integration of experts and technologies. Archives are revitalized and their stocks become a key element of the flows of content, while new applications favour the interaction and the reuse of information and resources. Digitalization, however, does not generate a single archive model of its own; in fact, each service and each company decides its own priorities and the functions and tasks to which it will apply its (always limited) resources.

Amunt UB | Facultat | BiD

Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació
Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, juny de 2011