BID: textos universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació

NĂºmero 26, juny 2011

A bibliometric study of Catalan research in communication (2007-2009)


Objectives. To assess Catalan research into communication in the Spanish context, via a bibliometric analysis of production in scientific journals.

Methodology. Bibliometric indicators were applied for a three-year period (2007-2009) to a sample of 16 communication journals selected by triangulating bibliographical databases. The variables used allowed an analysis of aspects relative to authors and their affiliation to research centres, the most important journals for Catalan authors, and the influence they receive from the citations generated. As a complementary measure, a social network analysis was applied in order to cross some of these variables and obtain data and additional representations of the object of study.

Results. Catalan research accounts for around 15 % of the production in the main Spanish journals on communication and is generated mainly at the UAB, the URL and the UPF. The research also highlights a list of the main journals used by Catalan researchers and the journals they quote most frequently. Among the elements that require extra support, the most important are inter-institutional cooperation and a higher profile for Catalan journals in Spain as a whole. The author stresses these and other factors as tasks that should be addressed in the development of research in this area.

Amunt UB | Facultat | BiD

Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació
Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, juny de 2011