BID: textos universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació

NĂºmero 26, juny 2011

Development of the on-line loan service for e-books in public libraries in Catalonia and the Community of Madrid


Objectives. The heads of libraries in Catalonia and the Community of Madrid have explored the possibilities of the new digital reading platforms in order to respond to the public's needs and also to promote the introduction of these technologies in everyday use. This study also aimed to draw the attention of the publishing industry to the importance of the library market.

Methodology. The study describes a pilot scheme for the introduction and loan of e-readers and e-books. Based on the results of the surveys devised to assess the pilot scheme and the study of practices in other countries, the authors have designed an environment able to serve as a model for public libraries and the publishing industry and above all, able to respond to the needs of public library users in the two communities.

Results. We initiated a new e-book loan service with the creation of a commercially neutral platform which can be accessed either directly or via the respective library catalogues. The results of the study highlight the need to concentrate more on the contents than on technological aspects, and the need for flexibility: the platform and the service model must be sensitive and adaptable to the new scenarios as they emerging.

Amunt UB | Facultat | BiD

Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació
Universitat de Barcelona
Barcelona, juny de 2011