Instructions for authors

[Versió catalana], [Versión castellana]

1 Subject areas covered and guidelines for submission

The journal BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació accepts for publication original research and applied articles on any aspect of library and documentation sciences, and archive studies.

The working language of BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació is Catalan. Contributions in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese are also accepted. They will be published in the original language with a translation into Catalan whenever possible.

Originals should be submitted to the Editorial Committee via the electronic form which appears in the publication: <>.

The Editorial Committee will write to authors confirming the reception of the originals. All articles will be reviewed anonymously by two peers. Within four months of receiving the article, authors will be sent any comments and suggestions for improvement, and will be informed of the Committee's decision concerning publication.

2 Presentation of texts

2.1 Format

BiD receives all submissions electronically, preferably in RTF or Word format.

2.2 Figures

Papers may include tables (with text and/or numbers) and figures (images, graphics, screen captures, etc.). This material should be numbered (figure 1, table 1, etc.) and submitted in separate files. The place in the text where figures are to appear should be indicated clearly by a short descriptive text, which will be published beneath the figure.

Captions of tables, figures, photographs and other such material should be written centred, in 10 pt, with no punctuation mark at the end. References to table, figure, graphic, photograph or image numbers should provide complete information.

2.3 Length

The maximum length of contributions is 20 pages, approximately 6,000 words, single spaced.

2.4 Page format and font

The text should be aligned to the left and written in Times New Roman font 12 pt.

2.5 Paragraphs

Paragraphs should not be indented. Different paragraphs should be separated by a blank line. Before the title of a new section and after the last paragraph of the previous section there should be two blank lines.

2.6 Title page

The title page of the paper should include the title, the name of the author or authors and their job title, address, affiliation (if any), and e-mail address.

The titles and subtitles of the papers should not have final punctuation.

Titles should be written as follows:

Title of the article: lower case, bold 16 pt.

Information on the author(s):

Titles within the article: titles should be graded according to their importance. In general, the titles of sections should be written in lower case. In general, titles will not be indented and will be written in lower case:

2.7 Abstract

The main body of the papers to be included in the sections "Articles", "Experiences" and "Resources" should be preceded by an abstract of 100-150 words.

Abstracts should be included after the information on the author(s) and before the article. The word "Abstract" will be written in bold 14 pt, and the text of the abstract in 10 pt.

2.8 Bibliography

The 'Harvard' system (author-date) should be used for bibliographical references. References in the text should be quoted by an author's name, followed by a comma and the date of publication, all in brackets. To cite one or several pages of the text, the page numbers should be placed after the date following a comma and the abbreviation for page (p.).

Bibliographical references should be listed jointly at the end of the article, preceded by the word "Bibliography" in bold 14 pt, and in alphabetical order of the lead name or the first word in the reference and year of publication. References should follow ISO 690 and ISO 690-2, in the Catalan adaptation by Assumpció Estivill and Cristóbal Urbano.

The date of consultation should appear in square brackets, preceded by the word "Accessed", and a colon and a space. The date should have the Day-Month-Year format in numbers and separated by slashes: 00/00/0000.

The following texts present more reference examples, and guidelines for writing them:

2.9 Notes

Notes shall be placed under the heading "Notes" in bold 14 pt. after the bibliography at the end of the text with the same font (Times New Roman) and a smaller size (10pt.).

Notes in the text should be numbered, with numbers inserted above the line (1, 2, 3). following the punctuation mark, if any, according to typographic tradition.

2.10 Appendices

If the article includes appendices, they will be placed after the notes introduced by the word "Appendix" in 14 pt. The text will be written in 10 pt.

2.11 Translation of proper names

The names of the organizations and bodies that appear in the text should be kept in the original language, with a translation if deemed appropriate.

2.12 Other typographic issues

Other types of contributions will receive the following typographic treatment:

2.12.1 According to type

TypeTypographic treatmentExamples
Monographs Italics
First letter capitalized
Student guide
Serial publications Italics
First letter capitalized
American journal of science
Educació i història: revista d'història de l'educació
Revista de libros
El periódico de Catalunya
Electronic resources not updated regularly (also called continuing resources) Italics
First letter capitalized
Biblioteca digital hispánica
El web de les ciències socials: recursos d'Internet per a les ciències socials
Individual items In quotes
First letter capitalized
“News list”
Proper names
(of persons and bodies)
First letters of all words capitalized Amadeu Pons
Departament d'Acció Social i Ciutadania
Concepts Lower case dynamic form
Quotations In quotes As Sorribes says, we must bear in mind that "information is a basic input in the local production process".
Words in other languages Italics A cappuccino is an espresso coffee mixed with frothed hot milk
Metalinguistic uses Italics This type of updating is known as continuing resources.
Computer programs, networks, languages and protocols First letters of all words capitalized Internet
Visual Basic Script
Microsoft Windows
Computer files, menu options, buttons In quotes "formulari.htm"
"Activate edition"
"Save as"

2.12.2 Apostrophes and quotation marks

Apostrophes and quotation marks should be straight, never curly:

Main quotation marks should be double: " ". For quoted words or phrases within quotations, single quotation marks should be used, as follows:

2.12.3 The dash

The dash in lists and interpolations should be an em dash (—).

For a closed range of values (pages, years, etc.), the en dash or minus sign should be used (–).

2.13 Web addresses

The electronic addresses in the text should be explicit, that is, they should appear next to the name.

Updated: 28/02/2008