
Videos on social networks and corporate blogs : analysis of the profiles of Catalan public libraries during the first month of the COVID-19 lockdown

The main objective of the article is to study the presence of videos in the social networks and corporate blogs of Catalan public libraries during the first month of lockdown (from 13 March to 14 April, 2020). It explores whether libraries created videos or shared them on social media, and defines their typology and the channel in which they were published. A preliminary step is to determine whether Catalan public libraries were active on social networks during this period, before characterizing the kinds of content disseminated. To carry out this analysis, an open access data set was created using inclusion and exclusion criteria and based on information held by the Catalan government: geographical data, the name of the library, and its social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube) and blogs. To evaluate the publications, two types of content were defined (external and internal). A rating scale was created (A to D) and the videos were grouped into five types (interviews, tutorials, entertainment, reviews, and Live Streaming). Of the 507 records included, 372 (73.37 %) were active; of the 886 profiles analysed, 797 (89.95 %) were active, and of the 4,377 videos studied, the most frequently shared were entertainment videos (3,110, 71.05 %). The conclusions section highlights information on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter that show how the video format is used in Catalan public libraries.