Call for papers - issue 34


Issue 34 (June 2015)
Focus on: data
Coordinator: Julià Minguillón
Deadline for reception of originals: 30 November 2014
Authors guidelines:

“Data is the new oil,” said Clive Humby, a mathematician who helped with the Tesco customer loyalty card system. “Data is the new soil,” corrected David McCandless, journalist, designer and expert in data visualization. You cannot talk about the Information and Knowledge Society without mentioning the raw material: data. It has been said that someone living in the middle ages could not fill a newspaper with all the events that happened during their lifetime; whereas now we are surrounded by data. Indeed, we ourselves are an important source of data, feeding all sorts of administrative and corporate processes. Thanks to the rise of the web 2.0 and social networks and the widespread use of mobile devices we can track the daily activities of people, sensors, services or processes on a minute scale. The current technological capacity to store and retrieve these huge amounts of data is virtually infinite, but the same cannot be said for our capacity to process and analyse them or extract knowledge.

This issue of BiD includes a series of rigorous studies of each of the stages of the data lifecycle, from the capture and preprocessing to the description, publication and preservation, and finally the analysis and visualization from the dual perspective of Open Data and Big Data.

BiD has opened a call for original papers in the following areas:

  • Aspects related to the management and preservation of massive datasets (Data Curation)
  • Open data portals and repositories
  • Technological challenges for managing massive datasets
  • Transparency and open government: data as a driver for better democracy
  • Sharing scientific data: finding new synergies and reducing scientific misconduct
  • Ethical and legal aspects related to the use of open data
  • Data journalism: fact-based story-telling
  • Industry experience in the use of scenarios based on open data: education, e-commerce, health, etc.
  • Citizen initiatives as drivers of change in society based on the use of open data
  • From infographics to interactive visualizations: data as search interface
  • Basic skills for data scientists, the profile of future 21st-century citizens?