
Trends in web information retrieval || Ricardo Baeza-Yates

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Search and retrieval of information on the web: what happened and what can we expect in the future || Lluís Codina, Rafael Pedraza-Jiménez

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]


Keyword Research: methods and tools to identify keywords || Mari Vállez

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Information retrieval in online files || Vicent Giménez-Chornet

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Capturing relationships expressed in image descriptions: A preliminary investigation || Allen C. Benson

[ Catalan text ]

Libraries and parliamentary research services: strategies to adapt to parliament information needs || Elvira Bosch, Carme Àlvarez, Teresa Gil, Joan Carles Graupera, Inés Montobbio

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Promotion of antiquarian book Spanish collections: a study of websites || José Luis Herrera Morillas

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Use of the A&HCI to evaluate research in minority language literatures: the case of Catalan and Danish literature || Jordi Ardanuy, Cristóbal Urbano, Lluís Quintana

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The library collection: perspectives and horizons || Jordi Llobet Domènech

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

      Experiences and analysis

The Medellín public libraries as a catalyst for social and urban change in the city || Luz Estela Peña Gallego

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Encouraging energy saving: the case of the Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library (UPC) || Miquel Codina, Araceli Hilaria

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The relationship between the town archive and public library: the case of Palafrugell || Carme Fenoll Clarabuch, M. Concepció Saurí Ros

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]


Realizing thesaurus based uses cases with the PoolParty Suite || Helmut Nagy, Tassilo Pellegrini, Thomas Schandl, Andreas Blumauer

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Visual Understanding Environment: an automatic tool to generate and manage conceptual maps || Joan V. Baz

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

  Blok de BiD

Latest entries:

Direction: Ernest Abadal

Scientific edition: Mario Pérez-Montoro

Editing: Lluís Agustí, Mònica Font y Pedro Rueda

Editorial board: Ernest Abadal, Lluís Agustí, Núria Comellas, Jorge Franganillo, Núria Gallart, Rafael Pedraza, Mario Pérez-Montoro, Mercè Porras, Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín, Concepción Rodríguez, Anna Rubió, Pedro Rueda, Patricia Russo, Adan Server, Aurora Vall.

Editorial production: Servicios Lingüísticos de la UB (asesoramiento lingüístico), Jorge Franganillo (maquetación), Eduard Vilagrosa y Josep Soler (edición en HTML), Adán Server (metadatos)

Technological development: Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín y Sergi Chávez      Comments      All papers published in BiD are subject to a Creative Commons license