Mercado de trabajo en información y documentación y crisis económica en España: una aproximación a partir de las ofertas publicadas en IweTel entre 2008 y 2013
Objective: This paper analyses the number, nature and conditions of job offers in the job listings published by the internet forum IweTel during the period January 2008-December 2013.
Methodology: The characteristics of job offers were analysed using statistical analysis. In many cases, the data had to be normalized before it could be used.
Results: Employment in information and documentation clearly fell during the six-year period studied, from 2008 when a total of 190 job offers were listed, to 2013 when that figure had dropped to 35. The precarity of the labour market was also noted, especially in the length of employment time offered. The organization that most frequently used the forum was typically a document service company with headquarters in Madrid, and the jobs most frequently advertised were for professionals in cataloguing. The IweTel forum was considered a valuable source of data because it has the largest mailing list for information professionals in Spain; its disadvantage was that IweTel is most frequently used by private ventures who are familiar with the sector, while other types of company advertise there less frequently or not at all.