
Women journalists in wikipedia : an analysis from a gender perspective

Objectives: the objective of this research is to study the presence of Spanish women journalists in Wikipedia Spain to detect whether, in addition to a quantitative gap, there is a qualitative gap in which gender stereotypes predominate, as well as reflecting on the collaborative space of the resource as a socializing agent in the construction of meanings.

Methodology: using a quantitative and qualitative methodology to obtain the results, the content of 450 biographies of Spanish female journalists has been thoroughly analyzed and studied from a gender perspective.

Results: the results show errors in the classification of women professional occupations, which reduces the positioning of women journalists in Wikipedia; stereotypes and accessory data that sexualize journalists; lack of photographs and institutional sources that reduce the quality, as well as the omission of direct attribution to their works and a subjugation to the male figure in profiles prior to the 21st century, among other results.