«¿Quieres buscar información sobre salud en Internet? ¡Ven y aprende!»: descripción de una actividad formativa
Description of a training activity designed for the chronically sick and for those aged over fifty with few ICT skills, based on a joint undertaking between a city council and a primary care team (PCT). The objectives of the activity are to use ICTs as an element in promoting collaboration between health professionals and the public, awakening the critical spirit of those who seek health information on the Internet and providing tools for the evaluation of the information found. Details of the activity: explanation of the basic criteria for evaluating web sites (authority, currency, coverage, objectivity, accuracy and veracity of the contents), identification of the hallmarks of quality and presentation of the prescription web. Conclusions: to avoid problems attributable to the consultation of poor quality information about health on the Internet, specific training should be given. The promotion of coordinated actions between local services, such as public libraries and primary care teams, is recommended.