Summary of BiD in figures

Number of issues published: 4      
Number of original articles published: 32      
Number of papers received: 68      
Number of peer-reviewed papers: 43      
% papers accepted: 47%      
% papers rejected: 53%      
Average number of reviewers per article: 2      
Publication delays: 0      
Average time between receipt and publication of the article: 2.5 months      
International authors: 10 (of the total). UB-UOC authors: 15 (of the total).       
Geographical composition of the advisory board: of the 44 members: 11 international (3 USA, 4 Italy, 1 Mexico, 1 Canada, 1 Portugal, 1 Brazil) and 33 Spanish.

Issues 42-45 (2019-2021)

Number of issues published: 4        
Number of original papers published:  41       
Number of papers received: 69       
Number of peer-reviewed papers: 56       
% papers accepted:  (36%)       
% papers rejected:  (34%)       
Average number of reviewers per paper: 2       
Publication delays: 0       
Average time between receipt and publication of a paper:  2 months.       
% authors external to the editorial staff: 99%       
% authors external to the editing institutions (UOC/UB): 89,6%       

International: 14 (18% of the total).       
Geographical composition of the advisory board: the 44 members: 11 international (US 3, 4 Italy, Mexico 1, 1 Canada, 1 Portugal, Brazil 1) and 33 Spaniards.       

Number of issues published: 4        
Number of original papers published:  44       
Number of papers received: 89       
Number of peer-reviewed papers:  62       
% papers accepted:  44 of 89 (49%)       
% papers rejected:  29 of 89 (33%)       
Average number of reviewers per paper: 2       
Publication delays: 0       
Average time between receipt and publication of a paper:   months.       
% authors external to the editorial staff:        
% authors external to the editing institutions (UOC/UB): 87,5%       

International: 15% of the total.       
Geographical composition of the advisory board: the 44 members: 11 international (US 3, 4 Italy, Mexico 1, 1 Canada, 1 Portugal, Brazil 1) and 33 Spaniards.       


Number of issues published: 4        
Number of original papers published: 26       
Number of papers received: 57       
Number of peer-reviewed papers: 44       
% papers accepted:  21 of 49  (42,9 %)        
% papers rejected:  28 of 49 (57,1 %)       
Average number of reviewers per paper: 2       
Publication delays: 0       
Average time between receipt and publication of a paper: 3,16 months.       
% authors external to the editorial staff: 95%       
% authors external to the editing institutions (UOC/UB): 74%


International: 8 (21% of the total). Colombia, 2; US 3; Mexico 3.
Geographical distribution of the authors: Spain, Catalonia, internationally.
Geographical composition of the advisory board: the 44 members: 11 international (US 3, 4 Italy, Mexico 1, 1 Canada, 1 Portugal, Brazil 1) and 33 Spaniards.

Number of issues published: 4        
Number of original papers published: 53       
Number of papers received:74       
Number of peer-reviewed papers:74       
% papers accepted: 68%        
% papers rejected: 21%        
Average number of reviewers per paper: 2       
Publication delays: 0       
Average time between receipt and publication of a paper: 2,59 months.       
% authors external to the editorial staff: 99%       
% authors external to the editing institutions (UOC/UB): 85%       

Geographical distribution of authors: 49 Spain, 42 Catalonia, 9 internacional.       

Geographical composition of the Advisory Board: 11 internacional (3 EUA; 4 Italy; 1 Mexico, 1 Canada; 1 Portugal; 1 Brasil) and 33 Spain.


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