Els conflictes d’autoria en les revistes del Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Criteris ètics en les revistes d’educació

Objective: The article analyses and characterizes the ethical principles that underpin publication rules about authorship disputes in the education journals listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

Methodology: The article analyses the content of the ethical principles, submission conditions and author and reviewer guidelines required by the journals listed in the JCR subject category ‘Education and Educational Research’. It analyses the presence of the following categories: inclusion and exclusion criteria, author order and maximum number of authors, corresponding author’s role, changes to authorship and conflicts of interest between students and their supervisors or mentors. The results are classified according to publisher, geographical region and JCR quartile. —
Results: A little over half of the journals analysed include authorship-related ethical principles in their publication rules. Most commonly, these principles relate to inclusion criteria, followed by author order and corresponding author’s role. Geographical region plays a decisive role in determining how far these principles are applied, while impact factor does not.