Call for papers – issue 32

Issue 32 (June 2014)
Focus on: the profession and training
Coordinators: Virginia Ortiz-Repiso and Ana Reyes
Deadline for reception of originals: 15 January 2014
Authors guidelines: /en/authors-guidelines

The UOC Information and Communication Sciences Department has been co-editor of the BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació (/en) journal since last June. The journal was first published 15 years ago by the former College of Librarians, what is now the Faculty of Library and Information Sciences, at the University of Barcelona.

We would like to take advantage of this call for papers to let you know about the upcoming issue 32 and encourage you to send in your proposals.

Issue 32 of BiD (June 2014) will focus on the profession and training, in their widest senses. The guest editors for this issue will be doctors Virginia Ortiz-Repiso and Ana Reyes, both members of faculty in the Library and Documentation Sciences Department of Carlos III University, Madrid.

The profession is undergoing constant change due, fundamentally, to the evolution of technologies that bring with them new tasks and new services. Analysis, assessment and re-assessment of the training received by information specialists is nothing new; indeed, it is vital that it be carried out periodically to detect weaknesses and opportunities. This monographic issue will look to analyse the current situation and the future prospects for the profession.

BiD has opened a call for original works for this issue in the following areas, among others:
– University training of professionals for different types of libraries.
– New professional profiles: why and for whom.
– Adapting the course offering to the requirements of professional profiles.
– Who are the employers at a time of crisis?
– Lack of awareness of Information and Documentation Sciences degree courses: reasons and solutions.
– Interdisciplinary nature of Library and Documentation Sciences curriculums: bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
– Master’s degree student profiles: better, worse or just different.
– Analysis of course offerings: bachelor’s and master’s degrees and specialization courses.
– Visibility and social standing of courses and the profession.
– Competencies, professional development and the job market.
– Researcher training: master’s and doctoral degrees.
– The demand for the profession at a time of crisis.
– Uncertified professionals working in all or almost all sectors of information and communication.

Those interested in writing for the journal should follow the guidelines for authors (/en/authors-guidelines) and send in their proposed texts by 15 January 2014.