Call for papers – issue 50: Digital preservation

Editors of the monographic issue: Miquel Térmens (UB), Fernanda Peset (UPV)

Instructions for authors: /en/authors-guidelines

Digital data is a central part of our society today. Much of these digital data play a purely functional and ephemeral role, disappearing or being destroyed soon after they are used; a good example of this is instant messaging content. However, there are other data that we need to keep and use for longer periods or even permanently because they have economic, legal or cultural values that must be preserved. This is not new, since ancient times there have been documents that, regardless of their material support, have been filed and kept over long periods of time. Digital coding is a new technology that, like other previous technologies, has great advantages in terms of its use, but also has large problems concerning its permanence in the short, medium and long term.

Digital preservation is a set of techniques and procedures that can be used to ensure the preservation and access to digital data in the medium and long term. As computing is in a process of continuous innovation and evolution, it is easy to imagine that digital preservation is also constantly changing.

In this issue of the BID journal we would like to present studies that explain what is currently being done in this field, what is being researched and what are the latest problems that have been identified. We would like to collect experiences related in particular to the field of information management, but also related to the technological environment due to the problems arising from digital obsolescence. We are interested in research on libraries as managers of institutional repositories, archives as protagonists of document evaluations, museums dealing with the complexity of managing NFT artworks, and the publishing world involved in the preservation of multiple versions of magazines and e-books or audios. We are also interested in electronic administration, which must ensure the integrity and reliability of public information, and in the field of research, which needs to determine what should be preserved and how.

Some of the topics that can be included in this monographic issue are:

  • Preservation planning. Preservation policies
  • Evaluation and audit systems
  • Risk analysis
  • Adaptation of the OAIS model to specific environments
  • Metadata schemas applied to preservation
  • Preservation of audiovisual archives
  • Preservation of research data
  • Preparation of data management plans
  • Collaborative preservation systems or consortia
  • Format migration
  • Emulation systems
  • Training and education in digital preservation
  • Costs and financing of preservation
  • Storage and processing in data centres and in the cloud
  • Commissions for evaluating and selecting series of digital documents
  • Regulatory framework