Revistas usadas por los investigadores de ciencias de la información de Brasil para publicar y su visibilidad en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus

Revistes que els investigadors utilitzen més per publicar, 2008–2012

Introduction: Production is an essential part of scientific activity and its visibility is an indicator for the evaluation of science. Scientific journals have been transformed and the open access movement has driven changes in our scholarly communication model.

Objective: This paper analyses the scientific journals used by researchers in information science in Brazil and the visibility of these journals in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases by comparing the scientific production published in open access and restricted-access journals.

Methodology: Quantitative, exploratory and documentary analysis was made using the scientific production of researchers in information science in Brazil that receive productivity grants from the Brazilian National Research and Development Council (CNPq).

Results: It was found that researchers published primarily in open access national journals, and that the visibility of these journals in international databases did not significantly differ to the visibility of restricted-access publications.