Submission guidelines

1 Publication information

1.1. Scope

The journal BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació (BiD) publishes original research papers, review articles and reports on all areas of basic and applied research in archive studies and library and information science and Communication.

1.2. Languages

The working language of the journal is Catalan, although manuscripts may also be submitted in Spanish and in other languages. Manuscripts submitted in English, French, German, Italian and Portuguese will be published in the original language accompanied by a translation into Catalan, when possible. To facilitate BiD’s production process, when the authors of these submissions are native Catalan- or Spanish-speakers, they will be asked to provide the Catalan or Spanish translation themselves. Manuscripts submitted in English may use British or American spelling and terminology but should follow either variant consistently. When the writer is not a native English speaker, the language in the text may be revised in-house.

1.3 Submitting manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted to BiD’s editorial board at the submission and review portal <>.

1.4 Selection and review

The editorial board will send the author a receipt of manuscript acknowledgement and the manuscript will then be assessed, first by BiD’s in-house science editors and then externally by at least two experts in the field, by anonymous peer review. Within two months of receiving the manuscript, BiD will inform the author of its decision to accept or reject the manuscript, or to accept it pending satisfactorily completed revisions following the recommendations of the in-house and external reviewers. Note that BiD maintains a register of the names, affiliations, email addresses, specialties and mother tongue languages of BiD reviewers and that this is available for consultation.

1.5 Publication ethics and malpractice statement

The journal BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices.

All authors submitting their works to BiD for publication as original articles attest that the submitted works represent their authors’ contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works.

The authors acknowledge that they have disclosed all and any actual or potential conflicts of interest with their work or partial benefits associated with it. In the same manner, BiD is committed to objective and fair peer-review of the works submitted for publication and to preventing any actual or potential conflict of interests between the editorial and review personnel and the reviewed material.

In cases of suspected or alleged misconduct, BiD’s editorial board will follow the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (

1.6. Gender-inclusive language and gender perspective

We recommend the use of an equal and non-sexist language in the article. For more information you can consult the guides provided by UB or UOC:

UB Guide:

UOC Guide:

If the sex or gender of the people to whom the study applies is relevant, you should give details of this in the title of the article, the abstract and the design of the research. Please, provide data disaggregated by sex or gender, when appropriate.

2 Presentation guidelines

Authors should observe the journal’s in-house style in the following areas.

2.1 Format

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, using this word template (url)

2.2 Figures

Manuscripts may include tables (with text and/or numbers) and figures (images, graphics, screen captures, etc., using the JPEG standard with a minimum dimension of 300 pixels per inch). Number this material (Figure 1, Table 1, etc.) and submit it in an Excel file, each figure in its own spreadsheet. Indicate the place in the text where the figures are to appear by a short descriptive text, which will be published beneath the figure.

2.3 Length

Submissions to the section Research papers and review articles must not exceed 4,000 words. Submissions to the sections Case studies and analyses and Resources must not exceed 3,000 words.

2.4 The abstract

All submissions to the section Research papers and review articles should be accompanied by an abstract consisting of three paragraphs: the first on the aims of the contribution, titled Objectives; the second on the research methods used, titled Methodology; and the third on findings, titled Results. The total length of the abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.
All submissions to the sections Case studies and analyses and Resources should be accompanied by an abstract consisting of a single paragraph of between 100 and 150 words.

2.5 Translation of proper names

Preserve the non-English proper names of organizations and bodies. These names may be accompanied by a translation in brackets, where deemed appropriate.

Generalitat Valenciana (Government of Valencia)
Högskolan i Borås (University of Borås)
Departament d’Educació (Ministry of Education)

2.6 Other typographic issues

2.6.1 According to type





Sentence-case capitals

Student guide

Serial publications in English

Title-case capitals

American Journal of Science

Serial publications in other languages

Sentence-case capitals

Educació i història: revista d’història de l’educació
Revista de libros
El periódico de Catalunya

Electronic resources not regularly updated (continuing resources)

Sentence-case capitals

Biblioteca digital hispànica
El web de les ciències socials: recursos d’Internet per a les ciències socials

Individual items

In quotes
Sentence-case capitals


“News list”
Proper names
(persons and bodies)
Title-case capitals Amadeu Pons
Departament d’Acció Social i Ciutadania
Concepts Lower case dynamic form
Quotations Straight double quotes As Sorribes says, we must bear in mind that “information is a basic input in the local production process”.
Words in other languages Italics It was not until later that these marcas de fuego were researched in any depth.
Metalanguage Italics This type of updating is known as continuing resources.
Computer programs, networks, languages and protocols Title-case capitals Internet
Visual Basic Script
Microsoft Windows
Computer files, menu options, buttons Straight double quotes “formulari.htm”
“Activate edition”
“Save as”

2.6.2 Apostrophes and quotation marks

Use straight apostrophes and quotation marks. Use double marks for a quotation and single marks for a quotation within a quotation.

Last year’s document proposed that “we should not forget to access ‘Change of keyword’ in the menu”.

2.6.3 Dashes

For interpolations, use the em-dash (—) with a space before and after it. To indicate a closed ranges of values (pages, years, etc.) or a connection, use the en-dash (–) or minus sign (-).

The Weber database — redesigned by Watt and Molloy — offers a number of advantages.
Chapters 5–9 offer a detailed account of the new protocols.
The programme is considered to have positively influenced trainer-trainee relations.

2.7 Abstract

The main body of the papers to be included in the sections “Articles”, “Experiences” and “Resources” should be preceded by an abstract of 100-150 words.

Abstracts should be included after the information on the author(s) and before the article. The word “Abstract” will be written in bold 14 pt, and the text of the abstract in 10 pt.

  • Example:
  • Abstract
  • The article discusses the technological features of blogs and explores their possible applications in learning in higher education. Taking a series of ongoing projects and practical cases in higher education as our starting-point, we review the characteristics and advantages of blogs as individual and collective learning tools. The results suggest that blogs represent a useful, valid tool in the new EHEA framework and appear to be ideally designed for the teaching of information literacy skills inside a constructivist educational approach that promotes an active role on the part of the student and a facilitating role on the part of the teacher. In addition, with their simplicity, low cost, and their range of potential applications, blogs represent a very promising alternative for bridging the digital divide in the adoption of new learning technologies.

2.8 Bibliography

The ‘Harvard’ system (author-date) should be used for bibliographical references. References in the text should be quoted by an author’s name, followed by a comma and the date of publication, all in brackets. To cite one or several pages of the text, the page numbers should be placed after the date following a comma and the abbreviation for page (p.).

  • Example:(Larsgaard, 1996, p. 78–80)
    (Osman, 1998; Praditteera, 2002)
    (Fenoll; Llueca, 2006; Artigal, 2007)

Bibliographical references should be listed jointly at the end of the article, preceded by the word “Bibliography” in bold 14 pt, and in alphabetical order of the lead name or the first word in the reference and year of publication. References should follow ISO 690 and ISO 690-2, in the Catalan adaptation by Assumpció Estivill and Cristóbal Urbano.

  • A reference to a monograph:
    • Pattie, Ling-yuh W.; Cox, Bonnie Jean (eds.) (1966). Electronic resources: selection and bibliographic control. New York: Haworth Press.
  • A reference to a journal article:
    • Larsgaard, Mary Lynette (1996). “Dades espacials en format digital en cartoteques universitàries: ‘un altre format i prou?'”. Item: revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, núm. 18 (gener-juny 1996), p. 75–82.
  • A reference to a book chapter:
    • Hirons, Jean (2002). “AACR2 and seriality”. En: Jones, Wayne; Ahronheim, Judith R.; Crawford, Josephine (eds.). Cataloguing the web: metadata, AARC, and MARC 21. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, p. 31–34.
  • A reference to an electronic resource:
    • Willet, Perry (1996). “The Victorian Women Writers Project: the library as a creator and publisher of electronic texts”. The public-access computer systems review, vol. 7, no. 6. <>. [Accessed: 03/01/2008].

The date of consultation should appear in square brackets, preceded by the word “Accessed”, and a colon and a space. The date should have the Day-Month-Year format in numbers and separated by slashes: 00/00/0000.

  • Example:[Accessed: 01/03/2008]

The following texts present more reference examples, and guidelines for writing them:

2.9 Notes

Notes shall be placed under the heading “Notes” in bold 14 pt. after the bibliography at the end of the text with the same font (Times New Roman) and a smaller size (10pt.).

Notes in the text should be numbered, with numbers inserted above the line (1, 2, 3). following the punctuation mark, if any, according to typographic tradition.

  • Example:The 2000 edition solves the terminology problems.1Notes
    1 Earlier editions only indicate that the terminology problems are a possible source of the ambiguity in the nomenclature detected by specialists.

2.10 Appendices

If the article includes appendices, they will be placed after the notes introduced by the word “Appendix” in 14 pt. The text will be written in 10 pt.

2.11 Translation of proper names

The names of the organizations and bodies that appear in the text should be kept in the original language, with a translation if deemed appropriate.

  • Examples:Generalitat Valenciana
    Högskolan i Borås (col·legi universitari de Borås)
    Ministerio de Cultura
    New York Public Library

2.12 Other typographic issues

Other types of contributions will receive the following typographic treatment:

2.12.1 According to type

Type Typographic treatment Examples
Monographs Italics
First letter capitalized
Student guide
Serial publications Italics
First letter capitalized
American journal of science
Educació i història: revista d’història de l’educació
Revista de libros
El periódico de Catalunya
Electronic resources not updated regularly (also called continuing resources) Italics
First letter capitalized
Biblioteca digital hispánica
El web de les ciències socials: recursos d’Internet per a les ciències socials
Individual items In quotes
First letter capitalized
“News list”
Proper names
(of persons and bodies)
First letters of all words capitalized Amadeu Pons
Departament d’Acció Social i Ciutadania
Concepts Lower case dynamic form
Quotations In quotes As Sorribes says, we must bear in mind that “information is a basic input in the local production process”.
Words in other languages Italics A cappuccino is an espresso coffee mixed with frothed hot milk
Metalinguistic uses Italics This type of updating is known as continuing resources.
Computer programs, networks, languages and protocols First letters of all words capitalized Internet
Visual Basic Script
Microsoft Windows
Computer files, menu options, buttons In quotes “formulari.htm”
“Activate edition”
“Save as”

2.12.2 Apostrophes and quotation marks

Apostrophes and quotation marks should be straight, never curly:

  • Apostrophe: ‘
    Quotation marks: ” “

Main quotation marks should be double: ” “. For quoted words or phrases within quotations, single quotation marks should be used, as follows:

  • First level: double quotes (” “)
    Second level: single quotes (‘ ‘)Example:

According to the programmer “we should not forget to access ‘Change of keyword’ in the menu to ensure its functioning”.

2.12.3 The dash

The dash in lists and interpolations should be an em dash (—).

For a closed range of values (pages, years, etc.), the en dash or minus sign should be used (–).

2.13 Web addresses

The electronic addresses in the text should be explicit, that is, they should appear next to the name.

  • Example:


Updated: 21/07/2020