Issue 30 (June 2013)



Editorial || Mario Pérez-Montoro, Candela Ollé


The return of the collections || Bertrand Calenge

[ Spanish text | Catalan text | French text ]

Collection Development Policy: where does it start and where will it end? || Glòria Pérez-Salmerón


E-books in public library collections || Remedios de Vicente García

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Study of the use of e-books in the university libraries of Castilla y León || Julio Alonso Arévalo, José Antonio Cordón García, Raquel Gómez Díaz

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The management of ancient collections in Spain’s university libraries: analysis of normative texts || José Luis Herrera Morillas

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Advertising’s principal actors: conserving patrimony in documentation centres and museums || Juan Carlos Marcos Recio, Juan Miguel Sánchez Vigil, María Olivera Zaldua

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The popular libraries of Barcelona as spaces of socialization during the second period of Francoist Spain, 1957–1975 || Assumpció Estivill Rius

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Spanish architecture, building sciences and urbanism journals: visibility and internationality || Ángela Sorli Rojo, Gonzalo Mochón Bezares

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Experiences and analysis

Policy documents for developing the collection of the Network of Municipal Libraries of Barcelona || Marta Cano Vers, Montse Cantí Marrugat

[ Catalan text ]

The collection policy in the Library Network of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat || Pedro A. Bravo Jiménez

[ Catalan text ]

Passion for a specialist collection in the Library of Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver — the hobby of collecting || Ma. Neus Montserrat Vintró, Estrella Gómez Enríquez

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Introduction of e-books in research libraries: a case study of the Biqfr || Irene-Sofía Romero-Otero, Elea Giménez Toledo

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Altering the collections landscape: an overview of patron-driven-acquisitions at Arizona State University Libraries || Melissa Guy

The Instituto Cervantes’ digital library: selection model for e-Books and collection management || Ana Cristina Gonzalo Iglesia

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Lotus Notes as a tool for analysing virtual communities: the case of the Comunidad Marca || Frederic Guerrero-Solé, Hibai López-González

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

“Do you want to search for information about health on the Internet? Come and learn!”: Description of a training activity || Aurora Vall, Clara Boté

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]


Special digital collections and bibliographic resources in the public libraries of Catalonia || Jordi Llobet Domènech, Núria Ventura, Eva Matamoros

[ Catalan text ]

The management of e-books in the Virtual Library of the UOC || Mireia Pérez Cervera, Ander Gámez Domínguez, Pepi Capdevila Bustinza, Anna Zuñiga Ruiz

[ Catalan text ]

Editors: Ernest Abadal and Lluís Pastor

Direction: Mario Pérez-Montoro and Candela Ollé

Coordination of the monopraphic: Lluís Agustí and Jordi Llobet Domènech

Scientific edition: Jordi Ardanuy and Àlex López-Borrull

Editorial board: Lluís Agustí, Jordi ArdanuyNúria Comellas, Núria Ferran, Núria Gallart, Àlex López, Rafael Pedraza, Mario Pérez-Montoro, Josep-Manuel Rodríguez-Gairín, Concepción Rodríguez Parada, Anna Rubió, Pedro Rueda, Patricia Russo, Aurora Vall and Mercè Vázquez.

Editing: Aurora Vall, Lluís Agustí, Mar Castellví and Mercè Vázquez.

Editorial production: Serveis Lingüístics de la UB (linguistic assistance), Jorge Franganillo (layout), Josep Soler i Eduard Vilagrosa (HTML edition), Adán Server (metadata)

Technological development: Josep-Manuel Rodríguez-Gairín and Sergi Chávez      Comments      All papers published in BiD are subject to a Creative Commons license

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