Editors’ letter || Miquel Térmens Graells, Jordi Sánchez-Navarro
[ Catalan text | Spanish text ]
TRIBUNE. Monograph in ‘BID’ on data webs and knowledge graph || Miquel Centelles Velilla
[ Catalan text | Spanish text ]
Content curation on social media of Ibero-American information and documentation journals || Jesús Cascón-Katchadourian, Wileidys Artigas, Javier Guallar
[ Catalan text | Spanish text | English abstract ]
Investigating SEO from social sciences: scoping review || Carlos Lopezosa, Lluís Codina, Cristòfol Rovira
[ Catalan text | Spanish text | English abstract ]
Faculty attitudes toward Open Access publishing: library-led action and outreach || Zach Welhouse, Michael Boock
[ Catalan text | Spanish abstract ]
Editors: Miquel Térmens and Jordi Sánchez Navarro Direction: Núria Ferran and Candela Ollé Coordination of the monographic: Miquel Centelles i Daniele Metilli Scientific edition: Jordi Ardanuy and Alexandre López-Borrull Editorial board: Lluís Agustí, Jordi Ardanuy, Llorenç Arguimbau, Alexandre López-Borrull, Remedios Melero, Rafael Pedraza, Mario Pérez-Montoro, Remei Perpinyà, Fernanda Peset, Josep-Manuel Rodríguez-Gairín, Concepción Rodríguez Parada, Anna Rubió, Pedro Rueda Ramírez, Jesús Tramullas, Aurora Vall and Mercè Vázquez Edition: Sandra Sanz, Aurora Vall, Mari Vállez and Mercè Vázquez Editorial production: Serveis Lingüístics de la UB (linguistic assistance), Jorge Franganillo (header image), Maria Brioso and Eduard Vilagrosa (edició en HTML), Adán Server (metadata) Technological development: Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín and Sergi Chávez http://bid.ub.edu • Comments • All papers published in BiD are subject to a Creative Commons license |