Revistas españolas de arquitectura, ciencias de la construcción y urbanismo: visibilidad e internacionalidad

Figura 1. Distribució d'autors estrangers per zones geogràfiques

Objective: a study is presented of the degree of internationality —understood as presence in international databases and percentage number of foreign authors published in the journals as well as foreigners engaged in the scientific editorial teams— presented by Spanish journals of architecture, urbanism and building sciences.

Methodology: the study draws on the Spanish journals published in these three fields that appeared in 2010 in the journal directory of the bibliographic databases of CSIC, selected for its prestige among Spanish researchers, and which were published in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The next step involved confirming their presence or otherwise in international databases and indices of prestige, which employ their own criteria for selecting the journals they include. An analysis was then undertaken of the number of articles published with one or more foreign authors and the number of foreigners among the members of the journals’ scientific editorial teams.

Results: the results point to a very low level of visibility in international databases and indices of the Spanish journals published in the fields analysed, a low presence of foreigners among the authors and members of the scientific editorial teams, as well as a lack of quality in the presentation of the publications. It is concluded that Spanish journals of architecture, urbanism and building sciences need to improve their publishing habits before they can be considered