
Building cities with bricks and books || Óscar Guayabero

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]


Public libraries, cities and the long tail: the cases of the Sala Borsa Library in Bologna and the Idea Stores in London || Anna Galluzzi

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Biblioteques de Barcelona (Libraries of Barcelona): building the present, looking towards the future || Assumpta Bailac Puigdellívol, Mercè Muñoz Creus, Judit Terma Grassa

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Spanish digital heritage collections: collection policies and the presentation of the collection || Assumpció Estivill Rius, Jesús Gascón García, Andreu Sulé Duesa

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Finding and identifying university journals to include them in institutional repositories: the case of the University of Valencia || Aurora González Teruel, Mª Francisca Abad García, Javier Hernández San Miguel, Júlia Ruiz Castell

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The online local information service provided by public libraries in Castilla y León || Ana B. Ríos Hilario, Carmen Caro Castro, Yolanda Martín González, Críspulo Travieso Rodríguez

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

      Experiences and analysis

Architecture and the library: together from the beginning || Santi Romero

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

New spaces for new uses || Brian Gambles

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The library system in the Balearic Islands: the implementation of Act 19/23 November 2006 || Natividad Muntaner Sans

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Factors to consider in the subcontracting of accessible web pages || Mireia Ribera

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

"Behind the walls": the book club at Quatre Camins Prison || Meritxell Trullàs

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The Enric Miralles Library in Palafolls: some books and a dream || Ignasi Bonet Peitx

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

  Blok de BiD

Latest entries:

Direction: Ernest Abadal

Scientific edition: Mario Pérez-Montoro

Editing: Lluís Agustí, Mònica Font y Pedro Rueda

Editorial board: Ernest Abadal, Lluís Agustí, Núria Comellas, Jorge Franganillo, Núria Gallart, Rafael Pedraza, Mario Pérez-Montoro, Mercè Porras, Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín, Concepción Rodríguez, Anna Rubió, Pedro Rueda, Patricia Russo, Adan Server, Aurora Vall.

Editorial production: Servicios Lingüísticos de la UB (asesoramiento lingüístico), Jorge Franganillo (maquetación), Eduard Vilagrosa y Josep Soler (edición en HTML), Adán Server (metadatos)

Technological development: Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín y Sergi Chávez      Comments      All papers published in BiD are subject to a Creative Commons license