Documentos de política de desarrollo de la colección en la Red de Bibliotecas Municipales de Barcelona

La Gerencia de Servicios de Bibliotecas (GSB) de la Diputación de Barcelona ha llevado a cabo una serie de acciones con el objetivo de favorecer la creación de políticas municipales de colección en todas las poblaciones que disponen de servicio de lectura pública. Estas acciones han sido básicamente tres: actualización de la política de colección propia de la GSB, elaboración de unas pautas para redactar las políticas municipales de desarrollo de la colección y programación de una actividad formativa de 12 horas para todas las bibliotecas de la Red de Bibliotecas Municipales (XBM). En este artículo se describen las pautas elaboradas para redactar el documento de política de desarrollo de las colecciones de las bibliotecas de la XBM y se pone de relieve la importancia que tiene para una biblioteca pública disponer de este documento. Las pautas, que de manera genérica pueden ser útiles para cualquier biblioteca pública, se han elaborado a partir de los criterios establecidos en la misma política de desarrollo de la colección de la Gerencia. Para su redacción se han tenido en cuenta recomendaciones, estándares y normativas tanto nacionales como internacionales.

La biblioteca digital del Instituto Cervantes: modelo de selección para el libro electrónico y gestión de la colección

Projecció del creixement de lectors de llibres electrònics des del 2007 fins al 2012. Font: (a partir de Soler, 2009, p. 65)

In 2012 the Library Network of the Instituto Cervantes launched a new e-book loan and download service for all its members. The main innovation is the system for selecting the collection: a title-by-title scheme, drawing on different sources and involving purchase for perpetuity or the donation of the content. This management model operates equally for books that are free of copyright as for new materials and works under copyright. The aim is to provide the services of a specialized digital library whose management is conducted directly through publishers and distributors in Spain and other countries. One difficulty arising from this selection system is that the supply of new books available in electronic format for libraries remains small. To encourage this supply and to reduce costs, the Instituto Cervantes offers advantages to publishers (including, converting the libraries in the network in media for the dissemination and promotion of the e-book and as generators of business). A further initiative aimed at increasing availability of e-books in the catalogue and offering a more sustainable service is that of implementing joint projects for institutional publications, combining cooperation and innovation, and providing benefits for all participants.

Las bibliotecas populares de Barcelona como espacios de socialización durante el segundo franquismo, 1957–1975

Sala de lectura de la Biblioteca Mossèn Homar de l'Hospitalet (1963) (Anuario..., 1968, p. 248–249)

Objectives: to analyse how the cultural activities of the popular libraries in the province of Barcelona evolved in the second period of Francoist Spain, that is between the years 1957 to 1975. This paper examines the type and nature of these activities; the interest they generated among the respective communities and the way in which the activities were adapted to a society that was undergoing profound changes; the importance of various social and cultural movements that emerged with particular strength in those years; the role played in them by Catalan language and culture; local alliances, and the extent to which these activities were guided by the authorities or responded to the initiative of the librarians.

Methodology: an exhaustive report and analysis were undertaken of the activities organised in each of the popular libraries of the Provincial Council of Barcelona between 1957 and 1975, as reported in the Anuario de la Biblioteca Central y de las populares y especiales. The study examines all the popular libraries and the stable branch libraries that had a person responsible for their running.

Results: it was during the sixties that the popular libraries were most active in promoting cultural activities. In general, they were well integrated within their respective communities and, thanks to the efforts of those responsible for their organisation, readers were able to follow closely the cultural movements that emerged in the capital: plays staged in the independent theatres, play readings, film forums, recitals of Nova Cançó promoting Catalan music etc. The libraries recovered their role as disseminators of culture, which they had had on being founded, and dedicated themselves once more to the task of promoting Catalan language and culture. Likewise, as in that earlier period, they once again became politically neutral spaces, but a neutrality that was characterised by its exclusive, non-integrative nature, which explains why they remained on the sidelines of certain social and political worries of the civil society of the day.