TEI: un estándar para codificar textos en el ámbito de las humanidades digitales

Ejemplo de codificación de un texto dramático

Se describen las principales características del estándar TEI (Text Encoding Initiative), un lenguaje basado en XML para codificar cualquier tipo de estructura textual como, por ejemplo, novelas, obras teatrales, poemas, discursos o artículos científicos, entre otros. Se muestran sus diferentes campos de aplicación y se comentan diferentes ejemplos de proyectos representativos en el ámbito de las humanidades digitales y las colecciones patrimoniales en línea.

Fondo antiguo y repositorios universitarios en España

This paper uses an analysis of the repositories of Spanish universities to identify which institutions contain rare book and manuscript collections. The method used in this analysis involved examining each university on the basis of a list comprising eleven elements. A total of 60 universities were found to have repositories but only 28 (16.8 %) of these contained rare book and manuscript collections. In the light of these figures, which suggest that Spanish university repositories do not generally consider the preservation of rare books and manuscripts to be part of their institutional mission, the paper reflects upon why some Spanish university repositories do contain such collections.

Archivos documentales en publicidad: Centro Documental para la Conservación del Patrimonio Publicitario Español (Publidocnet)

Figura 1. Primera portada del portal Publidocnet

Un modelo documental para la publicidad ha de promover y conservar el patrimonio con todas las herramientas posibles a su alcance. Publidocnet es un centro de documentación activo que ofrece a los estudiantes, investigadores y personas interesadas en la publicidad una visión analítica de las campañas, información sobre ellas, poder ver el anuncio televisivo, escuchar las cuñas, ver las imágenes de las campañas y estudiar la ficha técnica; en definitiva, una manera de entender y conocer la publicidad a través de las creaciones de los publicitarios. Su fin último es la conservación del patrimonio, en un acuerdo tácito con las agencias de publicidad que donan el material para el estudio por parte de los alumnos y para su conservación. Publidocnet es, pues, un centro documental multimedia, gráfico y textual de la publicidad española.

CollectiveAccess, un sistema de gestión y difusión de colecciones de museos, archivos y bibliotecas

Fragment del formulari de catalogació disponible en una instal·lació amb el perfil de metadades Dublin Core

Se presentan las principales características de CollectiveAccess, un sistema de gestión y difusión de colecciones digitales para museos, archivos y bibliotecas. Se describen sus principales componentes, el proceso de instalación, la estructura interna del sistema y se muestran algunos ejemplos de casos de uso. Las versiones analizadas del sistema son la 1.4 de Providence y la 2.0 de Pawtucket.

Estrategias de formación e información para implantar el OpenCourseWare en la Universidad de Valencia. Participación de los usuarios potenciales en el proceso

Objective: This paper examines the training that lecturers in health sciences at the University of Valencia consider they need to use OpenCourseWare in their classes. The paper also examines the marketing and information strategies these lecturers believe their institution should use to encourage the increased use of OpenCourseWare and the deposit of materials.

Methodology: The research was qualitative and the researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with members of the teaching staff of the University.

Results: It was observed that lecturers’ perceived training needs for using OpenCourseWare vary according to such factors as personal teaching experience, level of ICT skills, and the organization of teaching materials. Specifically, lecturers thought they needed training in OCW package itself, in ICT at different levels, in the principles of open access and, in the case of less experienced members of staff, in teaching with technology. The marketing strategies they considered should be implemented were: institutional promotion, diffusion and individualization of OpenCourseWare and the provision of information on intellectual copyright, reward systems, motivation and visibility.

La biblioteca digital del Instituto Cervantes: modelo de selección para el libro electrónico y gestión de la colección

Projecció del creixement de lectors de llibres electrònics des del 2007 fins al 2012. Font: spybits.com (a partir de Soler, 2009, p. 65)

In 2012 the Library Network of the Instituto Cervantes launched a new e-book loan and download service for all its members. The main innovation is the system for selecting the collection: a title-by-title scheme, drawing on different sources and involving purchase for perpetuity or the donation of the content. This management model operates equally for books that are free of copyright as for new materials and works under copyright. The aim is to provide the services of a specialized digital library whose management is conducted directly through publishers and distributors in Spain and other countries. One difficulty arising from this selection system is that the supply of new books available in electronic format for libraries remains small. To encourage this supply and to reduce costs, the Instituto Cervantes offers advantages to publishers (including, converting the libraries in the network in media for the dissemination and promotion of the e-book and as generators of business). A further initiative aimed at increasing availability of e-books in the catalogue and offering a more sustainable service is that of implementing joint projects for institutional publications, combining cooperation and innovation, and providing benefits for all participants.

La gestión de los libros electrónicos en la Biblioteca Virtual de la UOC

Figura 1. La Biblioteca a l'Aula

This article shows how e-books are managed in the Virtual Library (VL) at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). The VL places special emphasis on the acquisition of digital books to improve user access to resources and collections in a virtual university. The article first examines the environment in which e-books are acquired and used, explaining the various stages of acquisition that the library might be involved in and defining the internal circuits that facilitate the management and technical processes of these virtual documents. This is followed by a presentation of the range of options made available by the library to users wishing to access and consult the e-books and an explanation of the analysis of uses to which these documents are put. The article finishes by examining the conclusions drawn by the VL about the new context of e-books.