La Comisión Depuradora de Bibliotecas del Distrito Universitario de Zaragoza durante la Guerra Civil (1936–1939)

Gráfico 1. Bibliotecas depuradas por provincias

Objetivo: analizar el significado y la transcendencia de la Comisión Depuradora de Bibliotecas del Distrito Universitario de Zaragoza durante la Guerra Civil (1936–1939), el contexto que impulsó su nacimiento, la procedencia de sus integrantes y su repercusión sobre los servicios ordinarios de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Metodología: análisis de fuentes bibliográficas, hemerográficas y documentales vinculadas al tema.

Resultados: comprensión del significado, alcance y contenidos de la Comisión de Zaragoza.

La biblioteca digital del Instituto Cervantes: modelo de selección para el libro electrónico y gestión de la colección

Projecció del creixement de lectors de llibres electrònics des del 2007 fins al 2012. Font: (a partir de Soler, 2009, p. 65)

In 2012 the Library Network of the Instituto Cervantes launched a new e-book loan and download service for all its members. The main innovation is the system for selecting the collection: a title-by-title scheme, drawing on different sources and involving purchase for perpetuity or the donation of the content. This management model operates equally for books that are free of copyright as for new materials and works under copyright. The aim is to provide the services of a specialized digital library whose management is conducted directly through publishers and distributors in Spain and other countries. One difficulty arising from this selection system is that the supply of new books available in electronic format for libraries remains small. To encourage this supply and to reduce costs, the Instituto Cervantes offers advantages to publishers (including, converting the libraries in the network in media for the dissemination and promotion of the e-book and as generators of business). A further initiative aimed at increasing availability of e-books in the catalogue and offering a more sustainable service is that of implementing joint projects for institutional publications, combining cooperation and innovation, and providing benefits for all participants.

Implantación del e-book en las bibliotecas de investigación: estudio de caso de la Biqfr

Compra dels e-books de Biqfr per editors

Objective: to analyse the introduction of the scientific and technical e-book collection of the Rocasolano Chemistry-Physics Library (Biqfr) of CSIC and the strategies adopted for the dissemination, creation, implementation, and management of the collection between 2007 and 2009.

Methodology: an in-depth interview was conducted with the director of the research library, and field work was undertaken with the other Biqfr librarians. The information obtained from these two sources was used to analyse aspects of the introduction of e-books from a diachronic perspective.

Results: the library was one of the first to introduce e-books, which represented certain challenges for the librarians, especially as regards making the resources visible and promoting their use among researchers. The librarians adopted various strategies to create and disseminate the collection, enabling them to gain experience in their management and to identify the unique characteristics of this resource in comparison with traditional journals and databases.

Estudio sobre el uso de los libros electrónicos en las bibliotecas universitarias de Castilla y León

Gràf. esq. Descens en el nombre de préstecs en BU als Estats Units. Gràf. dta. Increment del nombre d'accessos a llibres electrònics

Objective: The aim of the study is to offer a diagnosis of the use of e-books in the university libraries of Castilla y León, i.e. to analyse the degree of incorporation of e-books in their collections and their level of penetration, in order to develop systems of dissemination and use and to plan future strategies.

Methodology: various surveys were conducted in order to compile information from a three-way perspective: that of those responsible for acquisition services, that of the librarians and that of the users of e-books in the university libraries.

Results: The information obtained shows how the procedures followed by the university libraries of Castilla y León are similar to those in other countries with greater experience in the use of e-books.

La gestión de los libros electrónicos en la Biblioteca Virtual de la UOC

Figura 1. La Biblioteca a l'Aula

This article shows how e-books are managed in the Virtual Library (VL) at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). The VL places special emphasis on the acquisition of digital books to improve user access to resources and collections in a virtual university. The article first examines the environment in which e-books are acquired and used, explaining the various stages of acquisition that the library might be involved in and defining the internal circuits that facilitate the management and technical processes of these virtual documents. This is followed by a presentation of the range of options made available by the library to users wishing to access and consult the e-books and an explanation of the analysis of uses to which these documents are put. The article finishes by examining the conclusions drawn by the VL about the new context of e-books.

Pasión por un fondo especializado en la Biblioteca Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver: el coleccionismo

Figura 1

The purpose of the research and thinking presented in this article is to analyse which initiatives, in terms of the development and management of a collection, have to be taken to ensure it continues to be a key source of information and knowledge for the community. A particular focus is given to the policies of a specialist collection —that dedicated to the hobby of collecting— in the Library of Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver in Barcelona.

The aim of the study is described in relation to the overall theme of collecting, the classification of resources, the visibility of the library’s specialization when employing ICTs, the organisation of promotional activities, the writing of formal documents governing procurement policies and the management of funds and the creation of the library’s own resources, among others.

La gestión de las colecciones de fondo antiguo en las bibliotecas universitarias españolas: análisis de los textos normativos

Objective: to locate and study texts governing the management of the ancient collections housed in Spain’s university libraries so as to trace the qualities that characterize these collections from a management perspective.

Methodology: documents were collected and their content analysed, a cross comparison was undertaken between some of the texts and with the resulting data an overall study was made to summarize the state of the art.

Results: a total of 33 texts with information related to the management of ancient university collections were identified and analysed which enabled us to determine the current status of the regulation of access, consultation, technical processing, deposit, reproduction and loaning for exhibitions of the collections of ancient books in Spain’s university libraries.

Los libros electrónicos en las colecciones de las bibliotecas públicas

Figura 1. Pàgina inicial de la plataforma de préstec de llibres electrònics de Pozuelo d'Alarcón, eBookPozuelo

Objectives: incorporating e-books into public libraries requires a series of changes in the management processes of the libraries’ collections. This paper addresses those aspects affected by the new factors arising with the management of e-books.

Methodology: an analysis is undertaken of the changes in the selection criteria and, in particular, of the new determinants affecting the acquisition process, by examining the main business models that have been adopted. The most relevant statistical data are identified for evaluating these resources. A brief analysis is also provided of the lending platforms that have been used in Spain to date (Libranda, OdiloTK and Xe-book).

Results: a series of conclusions are drawn, by way of reflection, that capture some of the key questions that libraries need to address when undertaking actions and entering into negotiations for the incorporation of e-book lending systems.