Introduction to the special issue on Mental Health and Communication / Hibai López-González, Mark D. Griffiths
Playing with the narrative of mental illness: communication beyond serious empathy games / Melanie Kreitler
Celebrity worship, social media use, and mental health / Mark D. Griffiths
The importance of self-development podcasts to improving mental health in generation Z / Nguyen Hoang Mai
The impact of short video addiction on self-identity: mediating roles of self-esteem and appearance anxiety / Runping Zhu, Huiting Yan, Zunbin Huo
Generative Artificial Intelligence for Journalistic Content in Ibero-America: Perceptions, Challenges and Regional Projections / Alexis Apablaza-Campos, Jaime Andrés Wilches Tinjacá, Ramón Salaverría
TikTok en las bibliotecas universitarias españolas / Roberto García-Bardón, Natalia Arroyo-Vázquez
Public Libraries as Shapers of a Youth Canon / Josep Maria Baldaquí-Escandell, Gemma Lluch
The Scientific Event as a Formative Activity in Postgraduate Studies: Perspectives from the Scientific Committee of the FORPED PPGGOC / Patrícia Nascimento Silva, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos Maculan