BiD 53 (December 2024)
Academic SEO (ASEO) refers to a set of practices aimed at improving the visibility and impact of an author’s or institution’s academic output. Authors, publishers, and librarians all play important roles within the framework of their expertise in optimizing academic content. The main objective of this work is to identify the ranking factors that impact the algorithms of search engines and academic literature databases, as well as to uncover other factors or strategies that, while not having a direct impact, can be useful for increasing the visibility of an author’s academic production. A scoping review was conducted following the SALSA framework, which identified a total of 23 publications. From these, the factors under study were identified and synthesized. 40 factors were identified, described, and grouped by type (direct / indirect), time (pre-publication / post-publication), and according to the actor(s) involved (author, publisher or librarian). Finally, a series of recommendations are also provided for each of the actors involved.Rubén Alcaraz-Martínez
Departament de Biblioteconomia, Documentació i Comunicació Audiovisual
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Alcaraz Martínez, Rubén[ more information ]