Estrategias de formación e información para implantar el OpenCourseWare en la Universidad de Valencia. Participación de los usuarios potenciales en el proceso

Objective: This paper examines the training that lecturers in health sciences at the University of Valencia consider they need to use OpenCourseWare in their classes. The paper also examines the marketing and information strategies these lecturers believe their institution should use to encourage the increased use of OpenCourseWare and the deposit of materials.

Methodology: The research was qualitative and the researchers conducted semi-structured interviews with members of the teaching staff of the University.

Results: It was observed that lecturers’ perceived training needs for using OpenCourseWare vary according to such factors as personal teaching experience, level of ICT skills, and the organization of teaching materials. Specifically, lecturers thought they needed training in OCW package itself, in ICT at different levels, in the principles of open access and, in the case of less experienced members of staff, in teaching with technology. The marketing strategies they considered should be implemented were: institutional promotion, diffusion and individualization of OpenCourseWare and the provision of information on intellectual copyright, reward systems, motivation and visibility.

Responsive web design: diseño multidispositivo para mejorar la experiencia de usuario

Figura 1.  Exemples de pàgines web amb disseny responsive a diverses mides de pantalla.

Objectives: This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive description of user experience focusing on multi-platform navigation and using Responsive Web Design as a guiding principle for current web design.

Methodology: The research reviewed current Responsive Web Design literature.

Results: As the study observed, today’s navigation environments need to be made accessible from any device and websites that fail to adapt are increasingly undermining user experience. It was also noted that the current trend is to consolidate multiple channels in a single platform, URL or virtual space that gathers together the functions and features that define each of its websites and which can progressively adapt to the increasing number of mobile device models being marketed.

La calidad de la información en la web

  [Versió catalana | English version] Michael Buckland Profesor emérito School of Information University of California, Berkeley   Todas las comunidades, todas las sociedades, todas las colaboraciones surgen y dependen de la interacción y la comunicación entre sus miembros. En la prehistoria ya debían de estar preocupados por la honestidad, la exactitud, la exhaustividad, … Leer más