Book Fairs in Catalonia: Historical Note and Attempt at Classification

Figure 1. Chronological distribution of the appearance of book fairs in Catalonia

The aims of this paper are to offer a brief historical account of book fairs in Catalonia based on a review of documentary materials and to provide a broad outline of their variety and typology. The proposed classification is predicated on previous studies that have addressed the characteristics that identify different types of book fair. The results show some degree of proliferation in book fairs in recent years, reflecting an attempt to develop them as tools for economic and cultural promotion. Barcelona is the host city of a large number of the events, but they also take place in 16 other comarcas, or districts, of Catalonia. The vast majority have a regional geographical scope and are intended for the general public. Although there is a diversity of products across the fairs, the predominant focus is on new books generally, not specific subject matter. In terms of the management of the book fairs, cultural institutions are the leading group, but it is also common to find book-related guilds and public administrations in charge of the events.

Issue 41 (December 2018)

  Tribune Social Machines and the Internet: What Went Wrong? || David Casacuberta Artificial intelligence and algorithmic transparency: “it’s complicated” || Ramon Sangüesa Articles The automated description of audiovisual archives: NeuralTalk, a video captioning model applied to the archive of the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation || Virginia Bazán Gil, Ricardo Guerrero Gómez-Olmedo [ English … Read more

Artificial intelligence and algorithmic transparency: “it’s complicated”

  [Versió catalana][Versión castellana] Ramon Sangüesa DESISLAB, Social Innovation Laboratory ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering         Today, we are subjects of a society that operates to a considerable degree as an information economy in which algorithms transform raw (i.e., worthless) data into processed (i.e., useful) content. Indeed, this economy is … Read more

Social Machines and the Internet: What Went Wrong?

  [Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] David Casacuberta Department of Philosophy Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona       In his famous essay of 1996, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, John Perry Barlow imagined a virtual utopia in which real-world events and problems, including governments, had become irrelevant. Today, driven by nostalgia, some people … Read more