Digital preservation and LOCKSS networks

  [Versió catalana][Versión castellana] Miguel Ángel Márdero Arellano Coordinator of the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services CARINIANA  Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia  Brazil ORCID: EXIT:         Introduction The world of digital preservation has various ways of dealing with digital objects. New technologies replace old ones, and we … Read more

Including the gender perspective in communication: an unfinished task on both sides of the Atlantic

  [Versió catalana][Versión castellana] Zuliana Lainez Otero Vice-President of the International Federation of Journalists and the Federation of Journalists of Latin America and the Caribbean (FEPALC) President of the National Association of Journalists of Peru         There are two reasons why the gender approach may not be used in news coverage: … Read more

Storytelling, social media and life stories

[Versió catalana] [Versió castellana] Gemma San Cornelio Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ORCID: EXIT: Antoni Roig Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ORCID: EXIT:       It may be considered that the narrative forms favored by digital contexts – sometimes in transformation, sometimes in continuity and sometimes in remediation – have … Read more

20 years of the encyclopaedia anyone can edit: Wikipedia and the pursuit of knowledge equity

When referring to collaborative knowledge creation, sharing and curation, Wikipedia stands out as the benchmark. On January 15, 2021 Wikipedia celebrated its 20th anniversary. There are many good things to say about Wikipedia: it has successfully demonstrated that ordinary people, and not just academic elites, can build and produce knowledge – and useful knowledge at that, if we take into account that Wikipedia is consistently one of the top 10 most visited webs on the internet, with more than 20 billion monthly pageviews (Wikimedia statistics, 2021). People don’t have to pay for the content, it is ad-free and independent, hosted by a non-profit organization – the Wikimedia Foundation – that mostly relies on small donations from individuals around the world. It is a unique model – free knowledge by the people for the people – that has held true for two decades by valiantly pursuing an aspirational vision: a world where everyone can have access to the sum of all knowledge.

Beyond fake news. The anatomy of misinformation

  [Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] Pere Masip Lecturer at the Faculty of Communication and International RelationsBlanquerna – Ramon Llull University Antonia Ferrer Sapena Lecturer at the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art HistoryValencia Polytechnic University         In November 1961, John F. Kennedy said to the members of the California … Read more

Open government in new digital states: which libraries for which citizens?

[Versió catalana][Versión castellana] Ismael Peña-López Director General of Citizen Participation and Electoral Processes Government of Catalonia 1 Introduction “Let no Catalan town council be made to forgo its local police force or, for that matter, its own school, library, telephone exchange or national road”. These words, spoken by Enric Prat de la Riba on … Read more

The Postgraduate Degree in Recommended Reading: bringing an idea into being

[Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] Maria Batllori Area for Books, Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies, ICEC) Ministry of Culture, Government of Catalonia 1 Introduction Readers’ advisory is sufficiently important that it merits specific university-level training aimed at all parties involved in the activity. The aim of this text is … Read more

Non-prescriptive prescription

  [Versió catalana][Versión castellana] Jordi Gràcia Professor of Department of Philology Universitat de Barcelona         The word ‘prescription’ no longer stirs surprise for anyone and, in fact, it is a well-integrated feature of the language of pedagogues, intellectuals and cultural agents. However, I am not sure we are always talking about … Read more