Concepção de uma Ferramenta Brasileira de Elaboração de Planos de Gestão de Dados de Pesquisa: desafios rumo ao modelo de planos acionáveis por máquina – MaDMP

Figura 1. Ciclo de vida da pesquisa e a disseminação dos resultados/dados científicos.  Fonte: os autores, baseada em Pinto; Costa, 2018.

  [Versió catalana] Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende Maestra de la Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) y pesquisadora del Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) ORCID: EXIT: Elizabete Cristina de Souza de Aguiar Monteiro Bibliotecária de la Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP/Marília) y pesquisadora del Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em … Read more

Beyond fake news. The anatomy of misinformation

  [Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] Pere Masip Lecturer at the Faculty of Communication and International RelationsBlanquerna – Ramon Llull University Antonia Ferrer Sapena Lecturer at the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art HistoryValencia Polytechnic University         In November 1961, John F. Kennedy said to the members of the California … Read more

Videos on social networking sites and corporate blogs: analysis of the usage and interactions of Catalan public libraries during the first month of confinement of COVID-19

El propòsit principal d’aquest article és estudiar la presència dels vídeos als perfils de les xarxes socials i els blogs corporatius de les biblioteques públiques catalanes durant el primer mes de confinament (del 13 de març al 14 d’abril de 2020) amb un doble objectiu. El primer és saber si han creat o difós vídeos a les xarxes socials. El segon és delimitar-ne la tipologia i concretar el canal on s’han publicat. Com a pas previ, cal saber si les biblioteques públiques catalanes han estat actives a les xarxes socials durant aquest període independentment del contingut difós.

Per a realitzar aquesta anàlisi s’ha creat un conjunt de dades d’accés obert, que compta amb criteris d’inclusió i exclusió, partint d’un fitxer de la Generalitat de Catalunya, que inclou dades geogràfiques, el nom de la biblioteca, els seus perfils de xarxes socials (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i YouTube) i blogs. Per a avaluar les publicacions s’han definit dues tipologies de contingut, extern i propi, s’ha creat una escala de valoració (d’A a D) i s’han agrupat els vídeos en cinc tipologies (entrevistes, tutorials, entreteniment, ressenyes i live streaming). Sobre els resultats obtinguts cal comentar que, dels 507 registres inclosos, 372 (73,37 %) han tingut activitat; dels 886 perfils analitzats, 797 (89,95 %) han estat actius, i dels 4.377 vídeos estudiats, els més compartits han estats els d’entreteniment (3.110, 71,05 %). En les conclusions es detallen alguns aspectes observats a YouTube, Facebook i Twitter per a conèixer com es treballa el format vídeo a les biblioteques públiques catalanes.

Changing with the times: the library at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus

Fotografia 1. Auditori. Font: Tecnológico de Monterrey

Libraries provide a stage for learning, creating and sharing experience; and both library services and the information professionals in charge of them are changing with the times, just as our educational systems are, offering us new ways to acquire knowledge.

The library at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus, has evolved into Biblio TEC: a physical building that is at once an information reference service and a series of spaces designed to facilitate learning and interaction in study-related activities of different kinds.

With a surface area of some 17,000 sq. m., the building is divided into six levels of flexible spaces that can be adapted to the needs of individuals, teams and large groups of library users and that maximise the possibilities of private or group study and of learning in general.

On this new stage, the librarian’s role has also changed and librarians are no longer the keepers of services who decide what is to be used and how; instead, they have become information curators whose mission in this day and age is to facilitate the process by which patrons learn to acquire and use increasing amounts of information.

Creating, Managing and Analyzing an Academic Library Chatbot

Figura 1. Interfície gràfica d'usuari d'ANTswers

Part 1 of this paper discusses how to create and manage an academic library chatbot, including the type of statistics that should be kept and the importance of regularly reviewing transcripts. Created in 2014, the chatbot in question has been developed to the point where, on average, it correctly answers library users’ questions 70% of the time. Part 2 is an analysis of over 10,000 user-submitted sentences (questions and statements). The analysis used UAM CorpusTool to create layers and code transcripts according to sentence structure, opening and closing statements, showing interest, and types of service and materials requested. While the library chatbot is clearly marked as being a computer program, a number of users regularly treat the chatbot as human and hold long non-library related conversations with it.

Examining the prospects of library use data integration in university information systems: the Spanish and Greek library stakeholder’s perspective

Figura 1. Una imatge de la xarxa bibliomètrica sobre analítiques d'aprenentatge (VOSviewer - Leiden University)

Objective. To collect the richly textured viewpoints of academic librarians and students on obstacles to library integration in institutional information systems, namely student success technologies and learning analytics. The aim is to contribute with an initial set of recurring themes to baseline knowledge on Spanish and Greek public university libraries’ prospects of engaging in this new type of intervention.

Methodology. Interviews were conducted between June and November 2016 in two universities in Spain and Greece and were continuously cross-checked against current literature on the academic climate in an interdisciplinary approach. This process helped to effectively outline a conceptual framework for understanding organisational forces and operational issues that could affect the process of connecting library use data to wider student support systems.

Results. Interviewees’ feedback revealed that the practical difficulties involved in systematically tracking in-library student activity workflows and connecting them with campus-wide or even interinstitutional learning analytics initiatives are only some of the operationalisation challenges. Infrastructural capacity-related considerations, the professional development of librarians, user control and strong teacher bias concerns are all high on the stakeholder list of inhibitors that, if they are not tackled, could eventually jeopardize a co-creation and service innovation opportunity of unique value. Easiness of use, voluntariness and feedback were reported among the main criteria with which library data integration in learning analytics systems must comply. A change in data collection practices, the active pursuit of stakeholder engagement and the reconsideration of existing resources, namely infrastructures and funding, were also given as major strategic priorities for the successful implementation of this type of intervention.

The Postgraduate Degree in Recommended Reading: bringing an idea into being

[Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] Maria Batllori Area for Books, Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies, ICEC) Ministry of Culture, Government of Catalonia 1 Introduction Readers’ advisory is sufficiently important that it merits specific university-level training aimed at all parties involved in the activity. The aim of this text is … Read more

Social Machines and the Internet: What Went Wrong?

  [Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] David Casacuberta Department of Philosophy Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona       In his famous essay of 1996, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, John Perry Barlow imagined a virtual utopia in which real-world events and problems, including governments, had become irrelevant. Today, driven by nostalgia, some people … Read more

Why bibliometric indicators break down: unstable parameters, incorrect models and irrelevant properties

Figure 1. Relation between property and indicator. An indicator is a proxy to measure a property when there is a theoretical model that relates the property to the observations of the indicator.

The spread of bibliometric indicators in research evaluation and policy has been accompanied by an increasing realisation that indicators’ use is often problematic and/or inappropriate. In this article, we propose a parsimonious framework to analyse the conditions under which the use of indicators become problematic. We propose that indicators’ use in evaluation can breakdown for three reasons. First, because the parameters of the models linking properties and indicators are unstable and, as a consequence, indicators cannot be compared across spaces or time. Second, because the underlying models are incorrect. Third, because the property of the indicator is irrelevant for the issue examined. This framework can be particularly helpful in fostering an understanding of the problems of conventional indicators in

A Not-So-Brief Account of Current Information Ethics: The Ethics of Ignorance, Missing Information, Misinformation, Disinformation and Other Forms of Deception or Incompetence

Objectives: The article examines how the new technologies and the internet have given society greater access to information and knowledge but have also led to a major increase in false information and lies, which constitute a serious threat to information ethics. —
Methodology: The author offers a taxonomy to describe the most common types of false information (misinformation, disinformation, missing information and self-deception) and information calumny, using examples in contemporary North American politics and information media and focusing on the figures of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The article analyses the role public institutions and information professionals should adopt to face the situation.

Results: While they cannot themselves possess the truth, in order to combat false information and ignorance information professionals must remain alert to the dangers present, keep abreast of the demands of their profession, be competent and informed and promote society’s information literacy at individual and collective levels.