TikTok in Spanish University Libraries

Goals: The objective of this paper is to describe the characteristics of the profiles and publications of Spanish university libraries on TikTok: to what extent they are present in this medium, what their posts are like, the topics they cover and how many interactions they receive, in order to identify good practices to help other libraries. Methodology: Eight university library profiles on TikTok were analyzed in the second half of March 2023, all of which were active at the time of the analysis,. Quantitative data such as the number of posts or the number of followers were captured. Quantitative and qualitative data were also extracted from each of the 207 publications in the accounts from their creation date until February 28, 2023, such as their duration or topic or the interactions they received. Results: The results provide information about the presence of Spanish university libraries on TikTok, which is still scarce but is increasing. Variables such as the frequency of publication, video length, video content, the number of views, the interactions they receive and the engagement rate are analyzed. Two university libraries with the best audience engagement on TikTok were identified. The characteristics of the ten posts with the most views and interactions are analyzed. All of them share the mixture of information about the library, transmitted through a short and simple message, with a humorous, fun or informal approach. Some follow fashion trends on TikTok.

Examining the prospects of library use data integration in university information systems: the Spanish and Greek library stakeholder’s perspective

Figura 1. Una imatge de la xarxa bibliomètrica sobre analítiques d'aprenentatge (VOSviewer - Leiden University)

Objective. To collect the richly textured viewpoints of academic librarians and students on obstacles to library integration in institutional information systems, namely student success technologies and learning analytics. The aim is to contribute with an initial set of recurring themes to baseline knowledge on Spanish and Greek public university libraries’ prospects of engaging in this new type of intervention.

Methodology. Interviews were conducted between June and November 2016 in two universities in Spain and Greece and were continuously cross-checked against current literature on the academic climate in an interdisciplinary approach. This process helped to effectively outline a conceptual framework for understanding organisational forces and operational issues that could affect the process of connecting library use data to wider student support systems.

Results. Interviewees’ feedback revealed that the practical difficulties involved in systematically tracking in-library student activity workflows and connecting them with campus-wide or even interinstitutional learning analytics initiatives are only some of the operationalisation challenges. Infrastructural capacity-related considerations, the professional development of librarians, user control and strong teacher bias concerns are all high on the stakeholder list of inhibitors that, if they are not tackled, could eventually jeopardize a co-creation and service innovation opportunity of unique value. Easiness of use, voluntariness and feedback were reported among the main criteria with which library data integration in learning analytics systems must comply. A change in data collection practices, the active pursuit of stakeholder engagement and the reconsideration of existing resources, namely infrastructures and funding, were also given as major strategic priorities for the successful implementation of this type of intervention.

Altering the collections landscape: an overview of patron-driven-acquisitions at Arizona State University Libraries

Figura 1. Exemple de registre de l'OPAC (catàleg en línia) per a un llibre tramès en format imprès

En 2009, las bibliotecas de la Arizona State University adoptaron un plan de adquisiciones dirigidas por el usuario (PDA, del inglés Patron Driven Acquisition) tanto para libros electrónicos como para los libros impresos. En este artículo se describe el proceso de la toma de decisión que dio lugar a un cambio permanente en el desarrollo de colecciones en una biblioteca de investigación académica importante. Se analiza la forma en que funciona el programa desde la perspectiva de los profesionales especialistas y se ofrece información sobre la experiencia del usuario. Finalmente, el artículo comenta las orientaciones futuras de los PDA y plantea algunas preguntas que deben tenerse en cuenta en el contexto de un cambio de paradigma más grande en las prácticas de desarrollo de la colección. — In 2009, Arizona State University Libraries adopted a patron-driven acquisitions (PDA) plan for both electronic and print books. This article describes the decision making process that resulted in a permanent change in collection development at a major academic research library. It considers how the program works from the perspective of library subject specialists and provides some information on the user experience. Finally, the article discusses future directions for PDA and poses questions that must be considered in the context of a major paradigm shift in collection development practices.