Open government in new digital states: which libraries for which citizens? || Ismael Peña-López a georeferenced database of Catalonia’s industrial heritage || Eduard J. Álvarez-Palau, Glòria Clavera Ibáñez, Adrià San José Plana, Jordi Martí-Henneberg [ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]
Films preservation in the era of the Netflix paradigm || Pablo García Casado [ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]
Examining the prospects of library use data integration in university information systems: the Spanish and Greek library stakeholder’s perspective || Stavroula Sant-Geronikolou, Daniel Martínez-Ávila
On the conservation of the rare book and manuscript collections in the Spanish autonomous communities’ regional libraries || José Luis Herrera Morillas [ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]
Film studies in the context of the social sciences : an analysis of authors, objects and methodologies in Spanish impact journals (2012-2017) || Aarón Rodríguez Serrano, José Antonio Palao Errando, Javier Marzal Felici [ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]
The bibliometric assessment of research institutions beyond scholarly communication: the case of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) || Wilson Corrêa da Fonseca Júnior, Roberto de Camargo Penteado Filho, Antonio Flavio Dias Avila, Claudio Costa Cardoso [ English abstract | Spanish abstract | Catalan text | Portuguese text ]
The European Union as head and guarantor of a model to assess and disseminate scientific knowledge production || Jorge Caldera-Serrano [ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]
Creating, Managing and Analyzing an Academic Library Chatbot || Danielle Kane
Evolution of the library at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey || Yolanda Maya Ortega
The use of mobile technology in public libraries in Peru: how far down the road are we? || Gabriela A. Quispe-Farfán [ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]
Open education in Europe: advances, integration with open science and the role of the librarian || Gema Santos Hermosa [ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]
Editors: Miquel Térmens and Jordi Sánchez Navarro Direction: Mario Pérez-Montoro and Candela Ollé Coordination of the monopraphic: Ciro Llueca and Maite Comalat Scientific edition: Jordi Ardanuy and Alexandre López-Borrull Editorial board: Lluís Agustí, Jordi Ardanuy, Llorenç Arguimbau, Núria Ferran, Alexandre López-Borrull, Remedios Melero, Rafael Pedraza, Mario Pérez-Montoro, Remei Perpinyà, Fernanda Peset, Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín, Concepción Rodríguez Parada, Anna Rubió, Pedro Rueda Ramírez, Jesús Tramullas, Aurora Vall and Mercè Vázquez Editing: Sandra Sanz, Aurora Vall and Mercè Vázquez Editorial production: Serveis Lingüístics de la UB (linguistic assistance), Jorge Franganillo (layout), Maria Brioso and Eduard Vilagrosa (HTML edition), Adán Server (metadata) Technological development: Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín and Sergi Chávez • Comments • All papers published in BiD are subject to a Creative Commons license |