Revistas españolas de arquitectura, ciencias de la construcción y urbanismo: visibilidad e internacionalidad

Figura 1. Distribució d'autors estrangers per zones geogràfiques

Objective: a study is presented of the degree of internationality —understood as presence in international databases and percentage number of foreign authors published in the journals as well as foreigners engaged in the scientific editorial teams— presented by Spanish journals of architecture, urbanism and building sciences.

Methodology: the study draws on the Spanish journals published in these three fields that appeared in 2010 in the journal directory of the bibliographic databases of CSIC, selected for its prestige among Spanish researchers, and which were published in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The next step involved confirming their presence or otherwise in international databases and indices of prestige, which employ their own criteria for selecting the journals they include. An analysis was then undertaken of the number of articles published with one or more foreign authors and the number of foreigners among the members of the journals’ scientific editorial teams.

Results: the results point to a very low level of visibility in international databases and indices of the Spanish journals published in the fields analysed, a low presence of foreigners among the authors and members of the scientific editorial teams, as well as a lack of quality in the presentation of the publications. It is concluded that Spanish journals of architecture, urbanism and building sciences need to improve their publishing habits before they can be considered

La gestión de las colecciones de fondo antiguo en las bibliotecas universitarias españolas: análisis de los textos normativos

Objective: to locate and study texts governing the management of the ancient collections housed in Spain’s university libraries so as to trace the qualities that characterize these collections from a management perspective.

Methodology: documents were collected and their content analysed, a cross comparison was undertaken between some of the texts and with the resulting data an overall study was made to summarize the state of the art.

Results: a total of 33 texts with information related to the management of ancient university collections were identified and analysed which enabled us to determine the current status of the regulation of access, consultation, technical processing, deposit, reproduction and loaning for exhibitions of the collections of ancient books in Spain’s university libraries.

Los libros electrónicos en las colecciones de las bibliotecas públicas

Figura 1. Pàgina inicial de la plataforma de préstec de llibres electrònics de Pozuelo d'Alarcón, eBookPozuelo

Objectives: incorporating e-books into public libraries requires a series of changes in the management processes of the libraries’ collections. This paper addresses those aspects affected by the new factors arising with the management of e-books.

Methodology: an analysis is undertaken of the changes in the selection criteria and, in particular, of the new determinants affecting the acquisition process, by examining the main business models that have been adopted. The most relevant statistical data are identified for evaluating these resources. A brief analysis is also provided of the lending platforms that have been used in Spain to date (Libranda, OdiloTK and Xe-book).

Results: a series of conclusions are drawn, by way of reflection, that capture some of the key questions that libraries need to address when undertaking actions and entering into negotiations for the incorporation of e-book lending systems.


  [Versió catalana] [English Version] Mario Pérez-Montoro Universitat de Barcelona Candela Ollé Universitat Oberta de Catalunya   Corría el mes de junio de 1998 cuando un grupo entusiasta de profesores de biblioteconomía y documentación de la Universitat de Barcelona lanzaron el primer número de la revista BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació. … Leer más

Política de desarrollo de la colección: ¿dónde empieza y dónde termina?

  [Versión castellana | English version] Glòria Pérez-Salmerón Exdirectora de la Biblioteca Nacional de España   La política de desenvolupament de la col·lecció (PDC) és el compromís de la biblioteca; és la seva declaració de principis per configurar una col·lecció coherent amb la missió i els objectius definits en la seva estratègia, tenint en … Leer más

Las bibliotecas populares de Barcelona como espacios de socialización durante el segundo franquismo, 1957–1975

Sala de lectura de la Biblioteca Mossèn Homar de l'Hospitalet (1963) (Anuario..., 1968, p. 248–249)

Objectives: to analyse how the cultural activities of the popular libraries in the province of Barcelona evolved in the second period of Francoist Spain, that is between the years 1957 to 1975. This paper examines the type and nature of these activities; the interest they generated among the respective communities and the way in which the activities were adapted to a society that was undergoing profound changes; the importance of various social and cultural movements that emerged with particular strength in those years; the role played in them by Catalan language and culture; local alliances, and the extent to which these activities were guided by the authorities or responded to the initiative of the librarians.

Methodology: an exhaustive report and analysis were undertaken of the activities organised in each of the popular libraries of the Provincial Council of Barcelona between 1957 and 1975, as reported in the Anuario de la Biblioteca Central y de las populares y especiales. The study examines all the popular libraries and the stable branch libraries that had a person responsible for their running.

Results: it was during the sixties that the popular libraries were most active in promoting cultural activities. In general, they were well integrated within their respective communities and, thanks to the efforts of those responsible for their organisation, readers were able to follow closely the cultural movements that emerged in the capital: plays staged in the independent theatres, play readings, film forums, recitals of Nova Cançó promoting Catalan music etc. The libraries recovered their role as disseminators of culture, which they had had on being founded, and dedicated themselves once more to the task of promoting Catalan language and culture. Likewise, as in that earlier period, they once again became politically neutral spaces, but a neutrality that was characterised by its exclusive, non-integrative nature, which explains why they remained on the sidelines of certain social and political worries of the civil society of the day.

El regreso de las colecciones

  [Versión castellana] [Version française] Bertrand Calenge Cap d’Estudis Département des Études et de la Recherche ENSSIB École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques Université de Lyon   Reflexionant sobre aquestes paraules introductòries per a la revista BiD: textos universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, he fet un balanç de vint anys … Leer más

Número 30 (junio 2013)

Editorial Editorial || Mario Pérez-Montoro, Candela Ollé Tribuna El regreso de las colecciones || Bertrand Calenge Política de desarrollo de la colección: ¿dónde empieza y dónde termina? || Glòria Pérez-Salmerón Artículos Los libros electrónicos en las colecciones de las bibliotecas públicas || Remedios de Vicente García Estudio sobre el uso de los libros electrónicos en … Leer más