Balanced multilingualism in science

  [Versió catalana] Gunnar Sivertsen Research Professor Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (Oslo)         1 Introduction: Making the role of language visible English has increasingly, already for a long time, become the international language of science. Other languages that served as international before, are losing ground in … Read more

Why bibliometric indicators break down: unstable parameters, incorrect models and irrelevant properties

Figure 1. Relation between property and indicator. An indicator is a proxy to measure a property when there is a theoretical model that relates the property to the observations of the indicator.

The spread of bibliometric indicators in research evaluation and policy has been accompanied by an increasing realisation that indicators’ use is often problematic and/or inappropriate. In this article, we propose a parsimonious framework to analyse the conditions under which the use of indicators become problematic. We propose that indicators’ use in evaluation can breakdown for three reasons. First, because the parameters of the models linking properties and indicators are unstable and, as a consequence, indicators cannot be compared across spaces or time. Second, because the underlying models are incorrect. Third, because the property of the indicator is irrelevant for the issue examined. This framework can be particularly helpful in fostering an understanding of the problems of conventional indicators in

How BiD and Spanish information science journals have changed over the last 20 years

Figura 1. Sumari del número 2

This article describes the historical evolution of the journal BiD through an analysis of three key stages: foundation (1998–2003), consolidation (2004–2012) and growth (2013 to the present). It examines aspects related to the editorial structure, sections, layout and inclusion in databases during each of these stages. Secondly, it analyses the present status of the 19 information science journals currently active in Spain based on four general characteristics (longevity, editor profile, inclusion in databases and open-access publication), and then compares these aspects to the situation 20 years ago through an assessment of three studies carried out at that time. Finally, it examines the evolution of the journal BiD and outlines its future challenges.

Evaluation criteria in Tourism and its effects on the researchers’ publication profile

Objetivo: Analisar a influência dos critérios de avaliação no perfil de publicação dos pesquisadores de Turismo.

Metodologia: Análise dos critérios de avaliação da produção científica da área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo, conduzido pela CAPES, com base nos documentos de área e na lista de periódicos classificados; e do perfil de publicação, por meio dos currículos Lattes dos pesquisadores dos programas de pós-graduação da área de Turismo.

Resultados: Os resultados apontam que os critérios de avaliação de periódicos da Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo aumentaram sua dependência do Fator de Impacto JCR na transição dos triênios analisados. A determinação de critérios com base neste indicador reforça a hegemonia de grandes editoras comerciais, além de fazer com que os periódicos de Administração predominem nos estratos mais altos. O perfil de publicação dos pesquisadores de Turismo mostrou que: 61,2 % de sua produção se dão em periódicos da própria área, sendo cerca de 2/3 desta em periódicos domésticos; além de estar concentrada entre os estratos A2 a B3; e quando publicando em periódicos internacionais preferem o idioma espanhol, seguido do português. Passam a publicar em periódicos de Administração e Contabilidade a partir de 2013, predominando o idioma inglês; a primeira publicação no estrato A1 ocorre em periódico da área de Administração, no ano de 2014.

Issue 40 (June 2018)

  Tribune How BiD and Spanish information science journals have changed over the last 20 years || Ernest Abadal Evaluating research in local and professional communities || Ismael Ràfols, Llorenç Arguimbau [ English abstract | Spanish abstract | Catalan text ] Balanced multilingualism in science || Gunnar Sivertsen Articles Perspectives on open science: examining the state … Read more