Revistas usadas por los investigadores de ciencias de la información de Brasil para publicar y su visibilidad en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus

Revistes que els investigadors utilitzen més per publicar, 2008–2012

Introduction: Production is an essential part of scientific activity and its visibility is an indicator for the evaluation of science. Scientific journals have been transformed and the open access movement has driven changes in our scholarly communication model.

Objective: This paper analyses the scientific journals used by researchers in information science in Brazil and the visibility of these journals in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases by comparing the scientific production published in open access and restricted-access journals.

Methodology: Quantitative, exploratory and documentary analysis was made using the scientific production of researchers in information science in Brazil that receive productivity grants from the Brazilian National Research and Development Council (CNPq).

Results: It was found that researchers published primarily in open access national journals, and that the visibility of these journals in international databases did not significantly differ to the visibility of restricted-access publications.

La interdisciplinaridad en los grados de Información y Documentación

Figura 1. Áreas implicadas en la docencia

Objective: This paper analyses the presence of interdisciplinarity in bachelor’s degrees in information and documentation.

Methodology: The current state of curricula design and regulation in Spanish bachelor’s degree courses in information and documentation was reviewed and an analysis was then made of the subjects taught in this degree during the academic year 2013-2014, using the variables department responsible for teaching and programme content. The subject programmes were analysed using related words.

Results: More than 40 different areas of knowledge with department-associated subjects were identified across the curricula. The paper observed the presence of areas of knowledge recommended by the bodies that participated in the Libro Blanco en Información y Documentación (White paper on Information and Documentation, National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain, ANECA), and areas of knowledge included in the Spanish information and documentation degrees the licenciatura degree (a 4- to 6-year course entitling the holder to begin doctoral studies) and the diplomatura degree (a short-cycle course in the humanities or health care). Interdisciplinarity was most present in the knowledge areas of historiography, information technology, languages, law, and statistics.

Selección de ejemplos fundamentales de análisis de publicaciones cienciométricas

Figura 1. El marco de la infometría (extraído de Björneborn; Ingwersen, 2004, p. 1217).

Objective: This paper selects and outlines factors of central importance in the calculation, presentation and interpretation of publication analysis results from a scientometric perspective. The paper focuses on growth, world share analyses and the logic behind the computation of average numbers of authors, institutions or countries per publication indexed by Web of Science.

Methodology: The paper uses examples from earlier research evaluation studies and cases based on online data to describe issues, problematic details, pitfalls and how to overcome them in publication analysis with respect to analytic tool application, calculation, presentation and interpretation.

Results: By means of different kinds of analysis and presentation, the paper provides insight into scientometrics in the context of informetric analysis, selected cases of research productivity, publication patterns and research trends in the fields of renewable energy and wind power during different periods of history.

Factores de degradación intrínsecos en los libros: la naturaleza del material bibliográfico

As observed in Appendix E of the Carta del Restauro (Carta della Conzervazione e del Restauro degli ogetti d’arte e di cultura [1987]), before undertaking any project of conservation or restoration, professionals must consider that as a cultural asset and in historical, artistic, material and functional terms, the book is a complex, multi-format artefact. Knowledge of the various original materials used to make books is crucial to such professionals and this paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the main types of intrinsic degradation in the materials most commonly used in the history of book making.

Periódicos utilizados para publicação pelos pesquisadores de ciência da informação do Brasil e visibilidade nas bases de dados WoS e Scopus

Revistes que els investigadors utilitzen més per publicar, 2008–2012

Introduction: Production is an essential part of scientific activity and its visibility is an indicator for the evaluation of science. Scientific journals have been transformed and the open access movement has driven changes in our scholarly communication model.

Objective: This paper analyses the scientific journals used by researchers in information science in Brazil and the visibility of these journals in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases by comparing the scientific production published in open access and restricted-access journals.

Methodology: Quantitative, exploratory and documentary analysis was made using the scientific production of researchers in information science in Brazil that receive productivity grants from the Brazilian National Research and Development Council (CNPq).

Results: It was found that researchers published primarily in open access national journals, and that the visibility of these journals in international databases did not significantly differ to the visibility of restricted-access publications. — Introdução: A produção é parte essencial da atividade científica e a sua visibilidade é indicador para a avaliação da ciência. Os periódicos científicos têm se transformado e o movimento de acesso aberto tem impulsionado mudanças no modelo de comunicação científica.

Objetivo: A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar os periódicos utilizados para publicação pelos pesquisadores de Ciência da Informação no Brasil e sua visibilidade nas bases de dados WoS e Scopus, comparando as publicações com acesso aberto e acesso restrito.

Metodologia: Pesquisa quantitativa, exploratória e documental que teve como corpus de análise a produção científica em periódicos dos pesquisadores bolsistas de produtividade em pesquisa do CNPQ da área de Ciência da Informação no Brasil.

Resultados: Conclui-se que os pesquisadores publicam prioritariamente em periódicos nacionais de acesso aberto e que a visibilidade destas publicações não apresenta diferenças significativas no que tange à visibilidade em bases de dados internacionais comparadas com as publicações de acesso restrito.

La inserción profesional de los graduados en Información y Documentación: el caso de la Universidad de Salamanca

Any de graduació

Objective: This paper analyses the employability of graduates in the bachelor’s degree in Information and Documentation of the University of Salamanca.

Methodology: A questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions (suggested response, evaluation) and one open-ended question was administered in web format to the graduate students who had completed the degree in the period 2009-2012.

Results: Information and documentation graduates from the university in question were most commonly women whose motivation to become professionals was vocational. The respondents’ evaluation of the knowledge acquired during their degree was positive. The professional tasks they engaged in most were technically complex tasks requiring a level of expertise, and the majority of the respondents were employed. In what appears to be a new trend, in certain cases respondents had found employment in the private sector. An increase was also observed in the use of the Internet to obtain a professional position and in respondents’ professional interest in acquiring project planning and management skills in information and documentation.

Número 32 (junio 2014)

  Tribuna Gestores de información y reconocimiento social || Margarita Taladriz Mas ¿Cuál es el sentido de las bibliotecas? Un llamamiento para una evaluación centrada en el uso || Lynn Silipigni Connaway Artículos La interdisciplinaridad en los grados de Información y Documentación || Mercedes de la Moneda Detección y motivación de alumnos interesados en información … Leer más

App, movilidad de contenidos para la extensión de servicios de información

The App Date (2013).

Current trends in mobile media consumption have changed the way mobile devices are used and mobile applications or ‘apps’ are a prime example. Apps offer new opportunities for developing mobile media with smart phones and tablets and allow users to consume that media anywhere at any time. In order to offer competitive services, information professionals need to keep abreast of the developments in smart technology, data connection and the connectivity people have through mobile devices. This paper examines the main technological developments in wireless communication and considers data about its growth and relevance to the information market, establishing how to negotiate a technology project based on computer applications for mobile devices and how to successfully develop a mobile application focused on information services.

La gestión de proyectos como materia en los estudios universitarios de Información y Documentación en Iberoamérica

Gráfico 1. Distribución porcentual y por países de la presencia de gestión de proyectos en las titulaciones universitarias de Información y Documentación en Iberoamérica

Objective: This paper examines the current offering of the subject Project Management in bachelor’s and master’s degrees in information and documentation in Ibero-America, focusing on the countries Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela. The paper analyses different features of the subject in these degree courses to provide a general overview.

Methodology: A search obtained information about the offering of the subject Project Management in degree courses at an international level and the results were examined by university and by degree course. The university curricula were then analysed according to specific selection criteria, as outlined in the paper, and the researchers corresponded by email with the teaching staff responsible for these courses. Various parameters were studied and then recorded in a database. Finally, the results were analysed.

Results: After the universities, degrees and subjects had been identified and selected according to the research criteria, it was observed that 77% of the entire offering that included the degree course subject Project Management was to be found in first-cycle (bachelor’s) degrees, and that Mexico, Colombia and Spain were the countries where the offering was greatest. The study also showed that Project Management was a compulsory subject in 86 % of the sample analysed.

Mercado de trabajo en información y documentación y crisis económica en España: una aproximación a partir de las ofertas publicadas en IweTel entre 2008 y 2013

Nombre d'ofertes per any

Objective: This paper analyses the number, nature and conditions of job offers in the job listings published by the internet forum IweTel during the period January 2008-December 2013.

Methodology: The characteristics of job offers were analysed using statistical analysis. In many cases, the data had to be normalized before it could be used.

Results: Employment in information and documentation clearly fell during the six-year period studied, from 2008 when a total of 190 job offers were listed, to 2013 when that figure had dropped to 35. The precarity of the labour market was also noted, especially in the length of employment time offered. The organization that most frequently used the forum was typically a document service company with headquarters in Madrid, and the jobs most frequently advertised were for professionals in cataloguing. The IweTel forum was considered a valuable source of data because it has the largest mailing list for information professionals in Spain; its disadvantage was that IweTel is most frequently used by private ventures who are familiar with the sector, while other types of company advertise there less frequently or not at all.