BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació   textos universitaris de
biblioteconomia i documentació
number 23
December 2009
ISSN 1575-5886
DL B-19.675-1998
Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació 
Universitat de Barcelona


Marketing y bibliotecas: buscando la satisfacción del usuario || Manuel Cuadrado García

[ Spanish text | Catalan text ]


Libraries and online marketing || Nieves González Fernández-Villavicencio

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Fundraising for libraries: the Italian observatory || Giovanni Di Domenico

[ English abstract | Italian text | Catalan text ]

The incorporation of marketing to file management || Antoni Tarrés Rosell

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Evaluation of the online consultation tools available on the web sites of the Hispano-American national archives || Amalia Más Bleda, Celia Chaín Navarro

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

      Experiences and analysis

Evolution and application of cultural marketing in museums || Ricard Monistrol

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

User surveys in Catalan public libraries: methodological issues || Antoni Laporte Roselló

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The document management system at the University of Barcelona and electronic administration: an element for promoting continuous improvement || Jordi Andreu i Daufí, Sílvia Nolla Lacruz

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Design and development of communication and dissemination policies for teenagers at the Caldes de Montbui Library || Juanma Moreno Díaz

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Catalonia’s library structure: assets in hand || Carme Renedo i Puig

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Basic tools for the strategic planning of public library services || Ester Omella Claparols, Jordi Permanyer Bastardas, Enric Vilagrosa Alquézar

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The foundation of a national library. The National Library of Catalonia between 1907 and 1923 || Reis Fontanals

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Library science education in Mexico and the North American Free Trade Agreement || Valentino Morales López

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Assessment of competences: proposal of a measurement system for the Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Documentation || Marta de la Mano González, Manuela Moro Cabero

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]


Quality assessment of health web sites: a bibliographic review || M. Carmen Conesa Fuentes, Enrique Aguinaga Ontoso

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The use of Netvibes in two libraries at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia: a tool for managing multiple priorities || Francesc Carnerero Gámiz, Mar Romaní Herrera, Àlex Yoldi Ballarín, Javier Clavero Campos, Andrés Pérez Gálvez

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

The goigs through electronic resources || Nora Vela

[ English abstract | Spanish text | Catalan text ]

Direction: Ernest Abadal

Scientific edition: Mario Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez

Editing: Lluís Agustí, Mònica Font and Pedro Rueda

Editorial production: Serveis Lingüístics de la UB (linguistic advice), Pedro Rueda (Spanish revision), Alice Keefer (English revision), Jorge Franganillo (layout), Eduard Vilagrosa and Josep Soler (HTML editing), Adán Server (metadata)

Technological development: Josep Manuel Rodríguez Gairín and Sergi Chávez

Marketing and dissemination: Mercè Porras

Sections: Jorge Franganillo (Tribune), Aurora Vall (Articles), Concepción Rodríguez (Experiences and analysis), Núria Comellas (Norms and regulations), Rafael Pedraza (Resources)      Comments      All papers published in BiD are subject to a Creative Commons license