Balanced multilingualism in science

  [Versió catalana] Gunnar Sivertsen Research Professor Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (Oslo)         1 Introduction: Making the role of language visible English has increasingly, already for a long time, become the international language of science. Other languages that served as international before, are losing ground in … Read more

How BiD and Spanish information science journals have changed over the last 20 years

Figura 1. Sumari del número 2

This article describes the historical evolution of the journal BiD through an analysis of three key stages: foundation (1998–2003), consolidation (2004–2012) and growth (2013 to the present). It examines aspects related to the editorial structure, sections, layout and inclusion in databases during each of these stages. Secondly, it analyses the present status of the 19 information science journals currently active in Spain based on four general characteristics (longevity, editor profile, inclusion in databases and open-access publication), and then compares these aspects to the situation 20 years ago through an assessment of three studies carried out at that time. Finally, it examines the evolution of the journal BiD and outlines its future challenges.

Evaluation criteria in Tourism and its effects on the researchers’ publication profile

Objetivo: Analisar a influência dos critérios de avaliação no perfil de publicação dos pesquisadores de Turismo.

Metodologia: Análise dos critérios de avaliação da produção científica da área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo, conduzido pela CAPES, com base nos documentos de área e na lista de periódicos classificados; e do perfil de publicação, por meio dos currículos Lattes dos pesquisadores dos programas de pós-graduação da área de Turismo.

Resultados: Os resultados apontam que os critérios de avaliação de periódicos da Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo aumentaram sua dependência do Fator de Impacto JCR na transição dos triênios analisados. A determinação de critérios com base neste indicador reforça a hegemonia de grandes editoras comerciais, além de fazer com que os periódicos de Administração predominem nos estratos mais altos. O perfil de publicação dos pesquisadores de Turismo mostrou que: 61,2 % de sua produção se dão em periódicos da própria área, sendo cerca de 2/3 desta em periódicos domésticos; além de estar concentrada entre os estratos A2 a B3; e quando publicando em periódicos internacionais preferem o idioma espanhol, seguido do português. Passam a publicar em periódicos de Administração e Contabilidade a partir de 2013, predominando o idioma inglês; a primeira publicação no estrato A1 ocorre em periódico da área de Administração, no ano de 2014.

Professors’ perceptions of university students’ plagiarism: A literature review

Figure 1: PRISMA flow chart for the selection of studies on professors’ perceptions of university students’ plagiarism.

Objectives: This paper aims to identify and critically evaluate the extant knowledge about professors’ perceptions of university students’ plagiarism. A clearer comprehension of these perceptions will allow us to forward the literature on this topic by pointing avenues for further research and policy.

Methodology: We explored professors’ perception of student plagiarism through an integrative literature review. To undertake this review, we searched the literature from 2000 to 2016 using a range of keyword combinations related to professors’ perception of plagiarism. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were implemented to choose abstracts and then full papers. In order to ensure the rigor of the review, we also employed a systematic analytical framework.
— Results: The twenty-two studies identified revealed greatly contrasting and uneven perceptions about students’ plagiarism among professors. Our findings indicate that it is necessary to focus not only on professors’ perceptions of what plagiarism is as a concept, but also to map to what extent this is an important, prevalent and severe issue for them. In the same vein, we highlight that such perceptions and the causes professors attribute to the reasons why students plagiarise may have a strong relationship with the actions they ultimate undertake to deal with this issue. Finally, we reflect on the additional problems caused by inconsistent implementation of responses to plagiarism at all academic levels.

A kitchen in the library: the Espai Cuines del Món at the Biblioteca del Fondo (Santa Coloma de Gramenet)

Detall del fullet explicatiu Cuines del Món-Biblioteca del Fondo (novembre de 2016). Foto: Mariona Chavarria

  [Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] Mariona Chavarria Domingo Library Director Biblioteca del Fondo Xarxa de Biblioteques de Santa Coloma de Gramenet   Abstract Dedicated to world cuisine, the Espai Cuines del Món of the library the Biblioteca del Fondo in Santa Coloma de Gramenet is at once a physical space and an ongoing cultural … Read more

From Post-Truth to Post-Ethics

  [Versió catalana | Versión castellana] Salvador Alsius Lecturer Department of Communication Journalism Universitat Pompeu Fabra         On the last night of August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died after being in a car crash in the Pont de l’Alma road tunnel in Paris. Among the circumstances surrounding the event were … Read more

The third sector, ethics and social commitment

  [Versió catalana | Versión castellana] Lluís Toledano Gaju Social consultant         1 A necessary introduction Writing a few words about the social sector is always stimulating and enriching. In fact, reflecting on this subject in greater depth is essential and almost a duty, because of the role that this sector … Read more

Innovative architecture for the contemporary library

Figura 1. Biblioteca de Zutphen, Holanda (Autor: Turning Over A New Leaf. Llicència: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

  [Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] Ignasi Bonet Peitx Architect Library Architecture Unit Library Services Management Unit Barcelona Provincial Council       1. Introduction: architecture and library A reflection on the architecture of the contemporary library requires first determining what defines the library at the present time, and the capability of architecture to meet … Read more

Space in the academic library of the 21st century: trends and ideas

Figura 1. Representació dels para-sols i iglús inflables del Saltire Centre, a la Glasgow Caledonian University

  [Versió catalana] [Versión castellana] Les Watson       1 Introduction “Between the birth of the world and 2003, there were five exabytes of information created. We [now] create five exabytes every two days” (King, 2013). One important consequence of access to this massive increase in information production is that it creates more … Read more

Working with the citizens: planning the new Helsinki Central Library

Figura 1. Serveis de planificació per a la biblioteca

This paper looks at Helsinki’s new city library, the Helsinki Central Library Oodi, which was launched by the Finnish Ministry of Culture in 1998 and will be opening its doors in December 2018. Located in the heart of the city opposite Parliament House, the Library has become one of the flagship projects celebrating the centenary of Finland’s independence. This paper focuses on the practices of citizen participation which have been key in the planning of the Library since its very beginnings, and considers how including the citizens and library users in planning the Library’s new services and functions has promoted grass roots democracy, openness, and a feeling of ownership of the new library.