Ètica de la informació mèdica en la indústria farmacèutica: recomanacions a partir de la primera “Guía de buenas prácticas de información médica en la industria farmacéutica española”

Esquema dels cinc passos en la medicina basada en l'evidència

Objectives: In the absence of specific legislation, the Work Group on Medicines Information of the Medicines Association of the Spanish Pharmaceutical Industry (Asociación de Medicina de la Industria Farmacéutica, AMIFE) decided to define and delimit the obligations involved in managing medicines information in the pharmaceutical industry. Although certain international guides are currently available, it was considered necessary to write a Spanish guide that could be used by pharmaceutical companies and professionals and whose demands for quality standards in the sector could also be shared with the medical community, patients and the public at large.

Methodology: In the course of one of the Group’s regular meetings, group members were invited to participate in one of the project areas, which were the planning, write-up, evaluation of experts and publication of the guide in chapters. After choosing two project coordinators, the members agreed on the subjects to be covered and established the structure for the chapters. It was decided that each chapter should include a comprehensive review of a subject and observations or conclusions that would form the basis for a series of recommendations After drafting an initial table of contents, the group invited a series of professionals to work as voluntary authors, selecting these on the basis of their experience and main field of interest. When the authors had completed the first draft of the chapters, the Group coordinators appointed two members of the group to review each chapter and check it for missing information or errors of content or form. The coordinators then reviewed the chapters themselves to ensure the consistency of the overall guide and drew up conclusions and recommendations that were reviewed by the rest of the group and voted in or out of the final document.

Results: The result was the Guía de buenas prácticas de información médica en la industria farmacéutica española. The twelve chapters comprising the guide reviewed the functions and importance of medicines information, the features and activities of the different areas of medicines information, the training and qualification frameworks of medicines information professionals, standard work procedures and the legal and ethical frameworks informing these, legislation on intellectual property rights, the importance of the role of evidence-based medicine and of quality assurance and the challenges that medicines information will have to face in the future. Fifteen conclusions or recommendations were also made at the end of the document.

Anàlisi no tan breu de l’estat actual de l’ètica de la informació: ètica de la ignorància, informació incompleta, falsa i falsejada i altres formes d’engany i incompetència

Objectives: The article examines how the new technologies and the internet have given society greater access to information and knowledge but have also led to a major increase in false information and lies, which constitute a serious threat to information ethics. — Methodology: The author offers a taxonomy to describe the most common types of false information (misinformation, disinformation, missing information and self-deception) and information calumny, using examples in contemporary North American politics and information media and focusing on the figures of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The article analyses the role public institutions and information professionals should adopt to face the situation.

Results: While they cannot themselves possess the truth, in order to combat false information and ignorance information professionals must remain alert to the dangers present, keep abreast of the demands of their profession, be competent and informed and promote society’s information literacy at individual and collective levels.

Deu propostes per a evitar el plagi entre els estudiants universitaris

Representació d'un estudiant fent ús de diferents fonts d'informació per a elaborar el seu treball

The practice of plagiarism in higher education is difficult to address. In recent years, the student training programme in information competences run by the library of the Universitat de Girona has included a section on academic integrity. Despite this, individualized attention to students across their degree courses and especially during their final degree project reveals that students often plagiarise unintentionally. This has led us to reassess how plagiarism is dealt with and to make ten proposals designed to minimize this practice. Some of these proposals are accompanied by practical exercises and they include actions that would be undertaken in the training offered by the library.

La llibertat intel·lectual com a dret humà: la funció de les biblioteques en una societat democràtica

Objective: Libraries have been called on by international organizations to avoid censorship and to provide access to diverse points of view. Public libraries are partially defined by their unrestricted services to patrons regardless of a person’s nationality, social status, or beliefs.

Methodology: This article will review the documents that describe the role libraries have in providing and protecting intellectual freedom. Specific organizations, educational practices, ethical statements, and polices in the United States will be reviewed.

Results: Librarians in all library types (academic, school, public, and special libraries) need to create and maintain two important policies for their libraries in order to protect against censorship. These policies are a collection development policy and a request for reconsideration policy.

Sense notícies de corrupció: la informació periodística sobre corrupció en els webs municipals

Objective: This article examines the information published by municipal government websites on the subject of government corruption. Its objectives are to evaluate how cases of government corruption are reported by media which are themselves government-run and to test and validate the role played by city councils as providers of reliable documentary sources.

Methodology: The study is the result of the combined findings of two national research projects which have analyzed the city council websites of Spain’s 8,122 municipalities on several occasions between 2011 and 2017. The provisional data, which are constantly updated, are interactively mapped online. Following the publication of a repertory of 52 indicators to measure transparency, we qualitatively evaluated the information in the news sections of seven city council websites where these websites reported on changes in council personnel prompted by cases of corruption.

Results: News reporting by city council websites lacks professional criteria and an overall journalistic mission. Two of the seven sites do not consider that reporting on cases of government corruption falls within their remit. Other sites publish isolated facts on such cases without indicating their sources or providing supporting detail. None of the sites offer the non-governing political parties an opportunity to voice their opinion. There is no evidence of journalistic technique informing the different stages of report writing and no acknowledgement of the importance of basic documentary sources. The study confirms our hypothesis that municipal journalism lacks professional criteria and that its dissemination of news content is undermined by political interference.

Perfil i competències de l’analista d’informació en l’àmbit de la seguretat pública

Mancances a les organitzacions (font pròpia)

Information analyst is a professional required in the social fields of security, emergency management and risk prevention in order to manage the intrinsic uncertainty of this context. This study aims to capture what competences, skills, knowledge and profiles are more suitable for these functions according to the needs of organizations, as well as to detect educational shortcomings though the views of members of the organizations and linked actors: academic research groups in intelligence analysis, analysts, technicians and journalists specialized in security. Results show that requirements change depending on the features and size of the organizations but they must include formation, experience and skills, flexibility and teamwork. This study also shows that the profile of an information and documentation professional may be a good candidate to choose for these tasks, although specialization in some aspects may be required.

Fabricació digital i biblioteca pública: el cas de l’Ateneu de Fabricació i de la Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló i Soler de les Corts de Barcelona

Mapa de les biblioteques del districte de les Corts

A finals del 2017 s’inaugurarà la Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló i Soler a les Corts (Barcelona), que compartirà edifici amb l’Ateneu de Fabricació de les Corts. L’article tracta del projecte arquitectònic, de com des de Biblioteques de Barcelona es resol el fet de compartir edifici amb altres equipaments, en aquest cas Biblioteca i Ateneu de Fabricació, i es planteja el repte de com compartir el projecte de continguts del centre. — A finales del 2017 se inaugurará la Biblioteca Montserrat Abelló i Soler en Les Corts (Barcelona), que compartirá edificio con el Ateneu de Fabricació de les Corts. El artículo describe el proyecto arquitectónico, cómo desde Biblioteques de Barcelona se resuelve el hecho de compartir edificio con otros equipamientos, en este caso Biblioteca y Ateneu de Fabricació, y se plantea el reto de cómo compartir el proyecto de contenidos del centro. — The end of 2017 will mark the opening of a new library in the neighbourhood of les Corts, Barcelona: the Montserrat Abelló i Soler Library, which will share premises with the neighbourhood’s digital manufacturing laboratory, the Ateneu de Fabricació de les Corts. This article describes the architectural project behind the library. It also considers how Barcelona City Libraries decided to create a single space for these two facilities and how it will meet the challenge of having them share their contents.

Una cuina a la biblioteca: l’Espai Cuines del Món de la Biblioteca del Fondo (Santa Coloma de Gramenet)

Detall del fullet explicatiu Cuines del Món-Biblioteca del Fondo (novembre de 2016). Foto: Mariona Chavarria

L’Espai Cuines del Món de la Biblioteca del Fondo, de Santa Coloma de Gramenet, és un espai físic i un projecte cultural que va néixer plenament orientat cap a la cohesió social. Integra, d’una balnda, la riquesa gastronòmica d’un barri altament multicultural amb l’objectiu d’apoderar les diverses comunitats que hi són presents i potenciar el barri, i, de l’altra, les dinàmiques que existeixen a la ciutat de Santa Coloma a l’entorn de la cuina i dels aliments. Les dues línies conflueixen en un espai físic al centre de la Biblioteca, amb una cuina totalment equipada i preparada tant per a presentacions per a un públic nombrós com per a petits tallers que generin intercanvi entre els comensals. Forma part del projecte municipal — El Espai Cuines del Món de la Biblioteca del Fondo, de Santa Coloma de Gramenet, es un espacio físico y un proyecto cultural que nació plenamente orientado hacia la cohesión social. Integra, por un lado, la riqueza gastronómica de un barrio altamente multicultural con el objetivo de empoderar a las diversas comunidades que están presentes y potenciar el barrio, y, por otro, las dinámicas que existen en la ciudad de Santa Coloma en el entorno de la cocina y de los alimentos. Ambas líneas confluyen en un espacio físico en el centro de la Biblioteca, con una cocina totalmente equipada y preparada tanto para presentaciones para un público numeroso como para pequeños talleres que generen intercambio entre los comensales. Forma parte del proyecto municipal — Dedicated to world cuisine, the Espai Cuines del Món of the library the Biblioteca del Fondo in Santa Coloma de Gramenet is at once a physical space and an ongoing cultural project. Its basic design is fully oriented towards social cohesion, integrating on the one hand the rich cuisine of a highly multicultural neighbourhood with the aim of empowering its communities and promoting the district, and, on the other, reinforcing the interest that exists in Santa Coloma in cooking, food and nutrition. These two objectives come together in a physical space at the centre of the library where a fully-equipped kitchen serves for both presentations for large audiences and small workshops in which people interact. Because it approaches food and nutrition from a cultural perspective, the Espai is also part of the municipal project

Del temple simbòlic a la desmaterialització: un recorregut per l’arquitectura bibliotecària del segle XX al XXI

Façana de la Biblioteca Popular de Sallent. Fons fotogràfic de la Biblioteca Sant Antoni Maria Claret de Sallent. Font: Wikipedia

L’article té com a objectiu establir una evolució en l’arquitectura de les biblioteques al llarg dels segles xx i xxi. Aquesta evolució posa de manifest les diferents transformacions que han sofert els edificis de les biblioteques, adaptant-se a diferents formes, però sobretot per donar resposta a realitats socials i culturals diferents i també canviants pròpies de cada època i de cada moment històric. Es proposa una evolució dividida en cinc grans transformacions arquitectòniques. Per a cada una d’aquestes cinc transformacions es presenten una biblioteca paradigmàtica o diverses d’arreu del món, que exemplifiquen clarament la transformació a la qual es vol fer referència. Cada presentació va acompanyada d’una explicació de les seves principals característiques pel que fa als espais i l’arquitectura, per tal d’argumentar finalment aquesta decisió a partir de citacions de fonts externes i també d’argumentari propi. El resultat és una evolució cronològica i històrica que serveix per emmarcar i contextualitzar, en últim terme, la cinquena i última transformació actual de les biblioteques.

Eugene Garfield: innovador del control bibliogràfic i un emprenedor amb causa*

  [English version] Cristóbal Urbano Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació Universitat de Barcelona urbano@ub.edu     * Defensa dels mèrits d’Eugene Garfield en ocasió de l’atorgament del grau acadèmic de Doctor Honoris Causa per la Universitat de Barcelona pronunciat per Cristóbal Urbano, professor de la Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, en la cerimònia que va … Llegiu més