Percepcions del professorat amb relació al plagi dels estudiants universitaris: revisió de la bibliografia

Figura 1. Diagrama de flux de PRISMA en què es mostra la selecció d’articles sobre les percepcions que té el professorat del plagi comès per l’alumnat universitari

Objectives: This paper aims to identify and critically evaluate the extant knowledge about professors’ perceptions of university students’ plagiarism. A clearer comprehension of these perceptions will allow us to forward the literature on this topic by pointing avenues for further research and policy.

Methodology: We explored professors’ perception of student plagiarism through an integrative literature review. To undertake this review, we searched the literature from 2000 to 2016 using a range of keyword combinations related to professors’ perception of plagiarism. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were implemented to choose abstracts and then full papers. In order to ensure the rigor of the review, we also employed a systematic analytical framework.

Results: The twenty-two studies identified revealed greatly contrasting and uneven perceptions about students’ plagiarism among professors. Our findings indicate that it is necessary to focus not only on professors’ perceptions of what plagiarism is as a concept, but also to map to what extent this is an important, prevalent and severe issue for them. In the same vein, we highlight that such perceptions and the causes professors attribute to the reasons why students plagiarise may have a strong relationship with the actions they ultimate undertake to deal with this issue. Finally, we reflect on the additional problems caused by inconsistent implementation of responses to plagiarism at all academic levels.

Qüestions ètiques per a la recerca en ciències socials. Context internacional i català, i experiència i protocol de treball amb els equips de la Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (CCMA)

Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona

This article describes the ethical issues involved in a research project undertaken by Universitat Pompeu Fabra with the participation of the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (Catalan Media Corporation, CCMA). The article analyzes the role played by researchers in professional activities of the CCMA involving information capture and processing. It examines different codes of ethics proposed by a group of Catalan universities and the international scientific community to support this project; and it then focuses on the ethical code applied to different stages of the project where the information being captured and processed is the employees’ own personal data, and to the academic and professional dissemination of the project results. Finally, the article discusses how ethical guidelines are adapted to social science studies, bearing in mind this field’s heavy reliance on ethical codes inherited from the natural sciences. It also presents documents attesting to the approval of the protocols described here by an independent ethics committee.

De la postveritat a la postètica

  [Versión castellana | English version] Salvador Alsius Professor Departament de Comunicació Periodisme Universitat Pompeu Fabra         L’última nit d’agost de 1997, Diana de Gal·les moria després d’haver tingut un accident de cotxe al túnel del pont de l’Alma de París. Entre les circumstàncies que van envoltar aquest succés hi va … Llegiu més

Ètica de la informació mèdica en la indústria farmacèutica: recomanacions a partir de la primera “Guía de buenas prácticas de información médica en la industria farmacéutica española”

Esquema dels cinc passos en la medicina basada en l'evidència

Objectives: In the absence of specific legislation, the Work Group on Medicines Information of the Medicines Association of the Spanish Pharmaceutical Industry (Asociación de Medicina de la Industria Farmacéutica, AMIFE) decided to define and delimit the obligations involved in managing medicines information in the pharmaceutical industry. Although certain international guides are currently available, it was considered necessary to write a Spanish guide that could be used by pharmaceutical companies and professionals and whose demands for quality standards in the sector could also be shared with the medical community, patients and the public at large.

Methodology: In the course of one of the Group’s regular meetings, group members were invited to participate in one of the project areas, which were the planning, write-up, evaluation of experts and publication of the guide in chapters. After choosing two project coordinators, the members agreed on the subjects to be covered and established the structure for the chapters. It was decided that each chapter should include a comprehensive review of a subject and observations or conclusions that would form the basis for a series of recommendations After drafting an initial table of contents, the group invited a series of professionals to work as voluntary authors, selecting these on the basis of their experience and main field of interest. When the authors had completed the first draft of the chapters, the Group coordinators appointed two members of the group to review each chapter and check it for missing information or errors of content or form. The coordinators then reviewed the chapters themselves to ensure the consistency of the overall guide and drew up conclusions and recommendations that were reviewed by the rest of the group and voted in or out of the final document.

Results: The result was the Guía de buenas prácticas de información médica en la industria farmacéutica española. The twelve chapters comprising the guide reviewed the functions and importance of medicines information, the features and activities of the different areas of medicines information, the training and qualification frameworks of medicines information professionals, standard work procedures and the legal and ethical frameworks informing these, legislation on intellectual property rights, the importance of the role of evidence-based medicine and of quality assurance and the challenges that medicines information will have to face in the future. Fifteen conclusions or recommendations were also made at the end of the document.

Anàlisi no tan breu de l’estat actual de l’ètica de la informació: ètica de la ignorància, informació incompleta, falsa i falsejada i altres formes d’engany i incompetència

Objectives: The article examines how the new technologies and the internet have given society greater access to information and knowledge but have also led to a major increase in false information and lies, which constitute a serious threat to information ethics. — Methodology: The author offers a taxonomy to describe the most common types of false information (misinformation, disinformation, missing information and self-deception) and information calumny, using examples in contemporary North American politics and information media and focusing on the figures of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The article analyses the role public institutions and information professionals should adopt to face the situation.

Results: While they cannot themselves possess the truth, in order to combat false information and ignorance information professionals must remain alert to the dangers present, keep abreast of the demands of their profession, be competent and informed and promote society’s information literacy at individual and collective levels.

Deu propostes per a evitar el plagi entre els estudiants universitaris

Representació d'un estudiant fent ús de diferents fonts d'informació per a elaborar el seu treball

The practice of plagiarism in higher education is difficult to address. In recent years, the student training programme in information competences run by the library of the Universitat de Girona has included a section on academic integrity. Despite this, individualized attention to students across their degree courses and especially during their final degree project reveals that students often plagiarise unintentionally. This has led us to reassess how plagiarism is dealt with and to make ten proposals designed to minimize this practice. Some of these proposals are accompanied by practical exercises and they include actions that would be undertaken in the training offered by the library.

Els conflictes d’autoria en les revistes del Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Criteris ètics en les revistes d’educació

Objective: The article analyses and characterizes the ethical principles that underpin publication rules about authorship disputes in the education journals listed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

Methodology: The article analyses the content of the ethical principles, submission conditions and author and reviewer guidelines required by the journals listed in the JCR subject category ‘Education and Educational Research’. It analyses the presence of the following categories: inclusion and exclusion criteria, author order and maximum number of authors, corresponding author’s role, changes to authorship and conflicts of interest between students and their supervisors or mentors. The results are classified according to publisher, geographical region and JCR quartile. —
Results: A little over half of the journals analysed include authorship-related ethical principles in their publication rules. Most commonly, these principles relate to inclusion criteria, followed by author order and corresponding author’s role. Geographical region plays a decisive role in determining how far these principles are applied, while impact factor does not.

La llibertat intel·lectual com a dret humà: la funció de les biblioteques en una societat democràtica

Objective: Libraries have been called on by international organizations to avoid censorship and to provide access to diverse points of view. Public libraries are partially defined by their unrestricted services to patrons regardless of a person’s nationality, social status, or beliefs.

Methodology: This article will review the documents that describe the role libraries have in providing and protecting intellectual freedom. Specific organizations, educational practices, ethical statements, and polices in the United States will be reviewed.

Results: Librarians in all library types (academic, school, public, and special libraries) need to create and maintain two important policies for their libraries in order to protect against censorship. These policies are a collection development policy and a request for reconsideration policy.

Bones pràctiques a les biblioteques de la UAB per evitar el plagi

Figura 1. Guia: Treballs de Fi de Grau i drets d'autor

This article describes the different courses of action and the activities carried out by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and in particular by its Library Service, to encourage UAB students to adopt good practices to avoid plagiarism in their academic assignments.