The Importance of Self-Development Podcasts to Improving Mental Health in Generation Z 

Objectives: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a global rise in mental health issues within
Generation Z who has grown up in a digital age where social media platforms have become an integral
part of their lives. Self-development podcasts can be a valuable resource for those, who are seeking
support and guidance to improve their mental health and well-being on various platforms. However,
there is a shortage of mental health professionals leveraging podcasts as a valuable tool for
mental health education and support in the Vietnamese context. Therefore, this article takes the
pioneering step by exploring the importance of self-development podcasts to improve mental health
in Vietnamese Gen Z. Methodology: The research employs qualitative research, and data was collected
through semi-structured interviews with nine content creators who produce self-development podcast
programs in Vietnam. Results: The results highlight the role of self-development podcasts in
improving mental health among Vietnamese Gen Z by analyzing how it is consumed and revealing
the multifaceted impact of self-development podcasts on mental health among Vietnamese Gen Z.

Celebrity Worship, Social Media Use, and Mental Health

Over the past two decades, social media use has become increasingly popular including its use by celebrities. Related to this, research has indicated that a minority of individuals may develop a psy- chological dependence on celebrities that can lead to obsessions and diminished functioning. Alt- hough research has also shown that worshipping celebrities can have positive consequences, re- search has also shown that there is an association between the pathological aspects of celebrity wor- ship and poor mental health such as high anxiety, increased depression, high stress levels and poor body image. Moreover, there appears to be evidence that pathological celebrity worship has in- creased over the past two decades and one of the primary reasons for this may be increased social media use by both celebrities and their fans.

Faculty attitudes toward Open Access publishing: library-led action and outreach

The authors distributed a survey to faculty in all academic ranks and in all Colleges of Oregon State University (OSU) to learn the extent to which they currently make their research openly available, ascertain their awareness of Open Access (OA), their support for OA and their preferences for achieving it. In total, 261 surveys were completed for a response rate of 10.3%. Most faculty demonstrated at least an introductory awareness of OA, so our subsequent outreach focused on more nuanced issues such as the monopolistic nature of key academic publishers and how rising publishing costs interacted with our institutional goals of sustainability and public good. Additionally, faculty members tended to have a strong grounding in the potential values of OA, but few had a strong sense of our libraries' budget or how much was devoted to subscription costs. Future outreach will address this knowledge gap with a more explicit explanation of our operational reality.

Concepção de uma Ferramenta Brasileira de Elaboração de Planos de Gestão de Dados de Pesquisa: desafios rumo ao modelo de planos acionáveis por máquina – MaDMP

Figura 1. Ciclo de vida da pesquisa e a disseminação dos resultados/dados científicos.  Fonte: os autores, baseada em Pinto; Costa, 2018.

  [Versió catalana] Laura Vilela Rodrigues Rezende Maestra de la Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) y pesquisadora del Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) ORCID: EXIT: Elizabete Cristina de Souza de Aguiar Monteiro Bibliotecária de la Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP/Marília) y pesquisadora del Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em … Read more

Spanish universities and open science: a study of barriers and facilitators

La ciència oberta constitueix un nou model de fer ciència basat en el treball col·laboratiu entre acadèmics, en l’obertura i la transparència de totes les fases de la recerca, que agrupa un conjunt d’elements, entre els quals destaquen l’accés obert, les dades obertes, noves mètriques i models d’avaluació.

Objectius: conèixer els factors facilitadors i les barreres que condicionen la implementació de la ciència oberta a les universitats, amb una atenció especial a l’accés obert, les dades de recerca i l’avaluació de la ciència.

Metodologia: es van analitzar les respostes dels vicerectors de recerca de les setanta-sis universitats espanyoles integrades a la CRUE en una enquesta feta entre el setembre i el novembre del 2021. El qüestionari, en línia, el componien cinquanta-tres ítems integrats a tretze preguntes. La CRUE va enviar el qüestionari.

Resultats: amb una taxa de resposta del 36,8 %; majoritàriament les competències de la ciència oberta requeien al vicerectorat de recerca. Destaca la baixa freqüència (18 %) amb què les universitats especifiquen criteris per avaluar el seu compromís amb la ciència oberta, i la disponibilitat en gairebé totes d’un repositori. S’han considerat factors afavoridors la coordinació entre els vicerectorats i els serveis bibliotecaris, la importància que es concedeix a la recerca en l’agenda política i el convenciment institucional amb el canvi, entre altres factors. Pel que fa a l’avaluació, els vicerectors rebutgen l’ús del factor d’impacte de la revista, a favor de fer una valoració qualitativa de l’article, de l’ús de les citacions i de la consideració de l’impacte social.

Audiovisual genres in BookTubers’ productions: a quantitative analysis

Figura 1. Assignació d'etiquetes de gènere audiovisual en els títols dels vídeos

Using Bakhtin's concept of genre (1982), this article presents a quantitative analysis of the most popular genres among the productions of Spanish-speaking BookTubers (Book + YouTubers). Its aim is to determine which discourses are the most dominant discursive forms in their production and the repercussions these audiovisual genres have on their audiences through quantitative indicators of popularity (views, likes/dislikes/comments). We quantify the presence of audiovisual genres in a random sample of videos published in 2017 (n=368) using digital methods, through the informatic script YouTube Data Tools to obtain information about the videos (Title, Description, Number of Views, Comments, Likes and Dislikes). Evidence shows that BookTubers are able to use a great variety of audiovisual genres that come both from other YouTubers (such as vlogs, challenges, hangouts, hauls or unboxings) and from other media (reviews, rankings, lists, interviews). The most prominent in our corpus are the review, the list and the wrap-up, which fit a traditional recommendation function; however, the most popular among their audiences, in terms of views, comments and likes, are those in which the BookTuber performs a thematic selection of several books, such as lists, rankings or wrap-ups. This reinforces the curatorial value of their work as reading mediators.

Wikimedia 2030 movement strategy: How an inclusive open strategy process has placed people at the centre

Figure 1. Scheme of the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy Process organized by phases, subphases, involved actors and the strategy practices in terms of the degree of openness

Objectives: In 2017, the Wikimedia Movement embarked on an open strategy process to decide the scope of action towards the horizon of 2030. Contrary to the development of a traditional strategy, an open strategy process allows numerous people to generate, discuss, and evaluate ideas. This study examines how this open strategy process and its output documents support inclusivity and address people’s needs.

Methodology: Inclusivity practices employed in the different phases of the open strategy process are reviewed — encompassing aspects such as modes of participation, transparency, and decision-making. Through discourse analysis, the aim is to highlight the main characteristics of the strategy product created and how it has been interpreted by the Wikimedia Movement, online communities, and affiliates.

Results: The results of the study are two-fold. Firstly, a wide array of participation modes employed to include the Wikimedia Movement actors have been identified. Secondly, it has been found that the resulting strategy documents place people at the centre of the discourse, not only in the proposed new strategic direction but also in the strategic principles and recommendations that were produced. Thus, this paper extends the understanding of open strategy in large and collaborative environments, showing that inclusivity practices help elaborate proposals of changes that need to be implemented later by relevant stakeholders.

Web analytics for open access academic journals: justification, planning and implementation

Figure 1. Overview of the audience of the BiD journal for 2020 compared to 2019. Source: Google Analytics account for BiD

An overview is presented of resources and web analytics strategies useful in setting solutions for capturing usage statistics and assessing audiences for open access academic journals. A set of complementary metrics to citations is contemplated to help journal editors and managers to provide evidence of the performance of the journal as a whole, and of each article in particular, in the web environment. The measurements and indicators selected seek to generate added value for editorial management in order to ensure its sustainability. The proposal is based on three areas: counts of visits and downloads, optimization of the website alongside with campaigns to attract visitors, and preparation of a dashboard for strategic evaluation. It is concluded that, from the creation of web performance measurement plans based on the resources and proposals analysed, journals may be in a better position to plan the data-driven web optimization in order to attract authors and readers and to offer the accountability that the actors involved in the editorial process need to assess their open access business model.

Teens and digital image creation on social media: informal learning, transmedia skills and professional profiles

Objectives: This paper presents results from the Transmedia Literacy (H2020) project, carried out with teenagers from eight countries in Europe, Latin American and Oceania. The principal aim is to explore how teens construct their digital image on social media, focusing particularly on those participants who are professionalising their online activity and on the skills and practices they employ. We also look at the correlation between the observed skillsets and the skills profiles of communication professionals like community managers.

Methods: A short-term ethnography approach is used (Pink; Morgan, 2013) together with a variety of data collection methods (questionnaires, creative workshops, interviews, media diaries and online observation).

Results: The results show that some teens acquire skill profiles compatible with professional practice through informal learning in social media environments. A small number of the participants are developing professional-level skills and have even begun to monetise their social media activity. The data suggest that formal education must broaden its horizons to cater for and build on the knowledge and potential that teens are acquiring informally across a range of digital settings.

Videos on social networking sites and corporate blogs: analysis of the usage and interactions of Catalan public libraries during the first month of confinement of COVID-19

El propòsit principal d’aquest article és estudiar la presència dels vídeos als perfils de les xarxes socials i els blogs corporatius de les biblioteques públiques catalanes durant el primer mes de confinament (del 13 de març al 14 d’abril de 2020) amb un doble objectiu. El primer és saber si han creat o difós vídeos a les xarxes socials. El segon és delimitar-ne la tipologia i concretar el canal on s’han publicat. Com a pas previ, cal saber si les biblioteques públiques catalanes han estat actives a les xarxes socials durant aquest període independentment del contingut difós.

Per a realitzar aquesta anàlisi s’ha creat un conjunt de dades d’accés obert, que compta amb criteris d’inclusió i exclusió, partint d’un fitxer de la Generalitat de Catalunya, que inclou dades geogràfiques, el nom de la biblioteca, els seus perfils de xarxes socials (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i YouTube) i blogs. Per a avaluar les publicacions s’han definit dues tipologies de contingut, extern i propi, s’ha creat una escala de valoració (d’A a D) i s’han agrupat els vídeos en cinc tipologies (entrevistes, tutorials, entreteniment, ressenyes i live streaming). Sobre els resultats obtinguts cal comentar que, dels 507 registres inclosos, 372 (73,37 %) han tingut activitat; dels 886 perfils analitzats, 797 (89,95 %) han estat actius, i dels 4.377 vídeos estudiats, els més compartits han estats els d’entreteniment (3.110, 71,05 %). En les conclusions es detallen alguns aspectes observats a YouTube, Facebook i Twitter per a conèixer com es treballa el format vídeo a les biblioteques públiques catalanes.